I did few time ago KidxMaka fanart (
Eto san (
http://reve08.blog67.fc2.com/) said "Your new picture,フランスStyle is very cute! I like it and I want to draw it**"
And she did. Yesterday I found this pretty thing in my Pixiv inbox
Eto san is really amazing, the picture she has done baased on mine is way most the idea I had in my mind while doing it than my own one.
So I'm so happy because I can see my idea in her really beautiful style, but it's depressing...because it is ;;;
Anyway it made my day www *Dances around*
Also yesterday I was watching this
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8oilaj_8vrc&feature=channel_page and though the "Shine ba ii no ni" could fit Kid and then this morning found this:
http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=3353092 Now I want even more to do an animation with that part
*In her own happy world*