I'm home from Florida and back in 40 degree temps, much to my chagrin. That said, I am exhausted like I've never been before: our plan had been to leave FL on a 7:55pm flight or the 9:50pm if we couldn't make the earlier one. (Mom works for an airline so we're able to move from flight to flight if needed.) Well, we didn't realize as we cleaned up the condo and packed up our stuff, that both flights were delayed. We didn't get on a plane until after 12 (Airport New Year), we weren't in the air until 1am. Unfortunately that meant we didn't get home until around 4:30, and while I slept until 11:30, I still feel wiped out.
Which is probably why I've been unable to focus on things for more than a few minutes at a time. I've been looking at prompts on
comment_fic, but stringing words together coherently isn't happening. I did post a fill (yesterday? Friday?) that was NASA AU
here that I need to get onto today's lonely prompts post, though I always feel silly posting one lone fill.
I did manage sit down and (at intervals) read
Secret Ingredient, which was my gift from
sga_secretsanta this year. It's a Kitchen Confidental (Movie, 2007) AU, with Rodney, John, and Madison. It seriously made my day. If you haven't read it yet, I really cannot recommend it highly enough.