He keeps things interesting?

Apr 19, 2016 20:28

That wonderful moment when I hear my cat slide across the kitchen floor to bash into the stove and/or sink cabinets and immediately think, "Fucking mice."

You'd think with the ones I get OUT of the house, one would go back to the colony saying, "Dude, there is a big ass cat in there that stalked me for two days! And the other cat has no eyes! Stay away from there!" but no. No, I just either have to get out of bed to rescue the tiny morons or clean up their bodies if Ianto kills them while I'm asleep.

*sigh* I just have to remind myself that mousing is an instinct, because I certainly didn't teach him that behavior and I know mama cat didn't either.

Side note: It's been years since I called in late to work because "my alarm didn't go off", but I nearly did it this morning because I stupidly started reading a 50K fic. Self, that is afternoon reading. Especially after not getting enough sleep last night and needing to be up early to open the clinic today!

I might have a self-control problem. :p

catheads, ianto-cat, life

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