What's in a score?

Nov 25, 2006 02:38

What: Emieth and Lili interrupt Aivey's solitude, and ask a question she uncharacteristically dodges
Who: Lili and Aivey
Where: Beach

Aivey is upon the beach, settled atop a stone with her legs dangling in the water. As has become her usual statement of fashion, her hair is tucked beneath a cloth folded into a brimless hat, one with ties that loop beneath a prominent bun-shaped wedge at the back of her head. Her face has lost the paleness mainlanders are known for having, and now shines with a light tan. The shirt she wears is pinched at the back, drawing the shoulders together to reveal dampened skin and a glimpse of the paler scar of a threadscore upon her shoulder - a shoulder Aivey nurses with delicate motions. She is, for the moment, looking out over the ocean.

"No, no, no, no, /no/!" Comes the cry of one young blonde weyrling, scurrying down one of the more worn paths after a gleaming green dragonet. Sand splashes up Emieth's sides as she hits the beach first; grains stick to her freshly-oiled hide in sunburst patterns, and she trumpets triumphantly to further interrupt Aivey's solemn moment. Lili's shoulders slump defeatedly, and she hangs her head as she whines. "/Emmmm/-eee-eth!"

Aivey's quiet moment is safely shattered. She turns quickly, balancing herself with a hastily dropped hand, to stare rather ungratefully at the trumpeting green. The expression deepens as she looks at Lili, to offer only, "Would you?" Clearly Aivey expects Lili to know what she means for she looks back to Emieth by way of explaining, and then turns around to look back out across the water.

Lili's confused to say the least, by Aivey's vague question. "Huh?" The girl is quick to catch up to the dragonet, though, and proceeds to try and dust the sand off - a futile effort, for that fresh oil has got it stuck mighty good, and it now coats the weyrling's hands too. Emieth's settled slightly, flopping down to her belly. "Jays, Emi. Now you need another bath!" In a quieter voice, "And can you keep it down? I think you're annoying that lady over there."

"The dragon," Aivey elaborates, as though pained to even do so, "It was quiet." Up until Emieth's great and grand arrival. She nurses her shoulder again while crossing one ankle over the other from within the water. And though the pair don't immediately disperse, Aivey doesn't make any further attempts at getting them to do so.

Emieth sort of chirps softly in response to the request from Lili, whose attention is now wholly focussed on Aivey. "Uh, /sorry/." Indignant, the younger girl pulls a face - directed back at her new lifemate - and drops to ker knees. Their communication from now on, it appears, is all in the head.

"Do you have a name?" Aivey apparently discards the notion of quiet, or at least of whatever it was she was looking for earlier, in favor of studying Lili from over her shoulder, "Does she have a name?" Again, the green is noted with a small gesture of Aivey's chin and the full rest of her attention on the dragon.

"Yes," Lili replies matter-of-factly, switching dark blue eyes up to Aivey for a brief moment before returning to her silent conversation again with the green. She doesn't supply any particulars.

"Good for you." Aivey doesn't dig, doesn't stoop to admitting curiosity where there is none. Back to looking at the water she goes, once more rubbing at her shoulder until the knots there are eased. In short time, she slips from the rock and into the water, the rolled up cuffs of her pants protecting them from getting wet. From there she heads to the beach, not bothering to widen her path to avoid passing by either Emieth or Lilly.

Lili and Emieth seem to be happy to continue their conversation without interrupt, until Aivey deigns to pass so closely by them; not as controlled as the older woman, Lili can't help but turn to ask, "You're the one who arrived with the big bronze dragon, aren't you?"

"Morelenth, yes," Aivey confirms, dropping to a knee by the girl and her dragon. She works at the cuffs, untucking them and folding them flat against her instep, "E'sere is his rider." Instead of prompting Lili for her curiosity, Aivey looks toward her, her expression no longer harsh but definitely appraising.

"E'sere," the girl repeats, filing the name away carefully. "There's lotsa rumours about you all," she informs, eyes widening a little, then narrowing to a puzzled sort of expression as she racks her brain. "Where did you come from, again?" A finger scratches absently at her shoulder, displacing some of the oily sand onto her tunic.

"Are there?" Aivey's lips widen slightly, not quite forming into a smile but giving the imitation of one, "Care to share them?" She rests a forearm across her knee, leaves the other planted half in the sand to steady herself, "We're from the 'Reaches. E'sere and I. The mainland, as it were."

Lili points her finger into the air, and starts to nod. "That's right! I should've remembered that, really. /High/ Reaches, isn't it called? My Dad was from there, a long long time ago, but he doesn't tell the stories of it anymore," she provides chattily, more at ease by the hint of a smile on the older woman's face. "The rumours? Oh, the most curious one is that you all are murderers several times over. But you don't look like a murderer to me, miss. If that's ok to say?" There's only a brief pause, and Lili feels the need to reassure Aivey. "They say that about everyone when they first arrive, miss. It's nothing personal."

Aivey looks anything but offended. Amused, entertained but not offended. "Say whatever you'd like. Everyone's entitled to their own opinions," Aivey consoles bemusedly, "Rest assured, though, that rumors are most always rumors. You don't have anything to fear from us. E'sere or me, I mean." She looks to Emieth, studying the young dragon before saying, "My name is Aivey, by the way."

"Oh, I wasn't afraid, miss," Lili returns bravely, flashing a grin. "I never believe the rumours anyways, the best way to get it right is to talk to the actual person. They were right about your sore shoulder though, weren't they? Did you really get scored from Thread?" Again her eyes have widened, and eyebrows shoot up. Emieth, for her part, is lazily pawing at the sand; perhaps enjoying the scratchiness of the grains against her new hide. "Well met, miss Aivey. I'm Lili, and this is my Emieth."

"Scored from Thread, on my shoulder and down my back. Yes, they were right," Aivey's smile remains in place, her study of the girl something a little less then friendly and more dissecting, "How brave of you, to not be afraid. Emieth's lucky to have you, Lili." The green gets a glance from the corner of Aivey's eyes, but it's Lili who continues to be the focus.

Lili nods again, her shoulders rolling back proudly for the compliment. "Thank-you, miss." Again, there's a beat, and Lili tosses a sideways glance to Emieth before settling her dark blue eyes on Aivey again. "If you don't mind me asking," she gulps down a breath, "How did you manage to get scored like that?"

"You heard I came with a bronze, did you hear who else I came with? Who brought me?" Aivey wonders before even attempting to answer Lili's question.

Lili's brows furrow, and she shakes her head. "Well, not really - didn't J'lor pick you all up?"

"J'lor, yes. He's the one who came and got me. From the 'Reaches... High Reaches Weyr. They-" Aivey, her lips slightly pursed, choses her words carefully, "They didn't like me very much at the Weyr. I got scored right before J'lor saved me and brought me here."

Looking rather impressed, Lili shifts her gaze back to Emieth. "Oh, so then Thread was falling when he picked you up," she assumes. "That's very brave, isn't it? It's a pity the riders flying to meet it didn't have you covered, but I suppose they can't be expected to flame /every/ clump - really." She turns back to Aivey, shifting a little in the sand. "Were you scared crazy, having to meet J'lor outside while Thread was falling?"

"Thread was falling, yes," Aivey agrees quietly, the smile now diminished into something more neutral, "I'd have died if J'lor hadn't shown up when he did. The riders... were busy. Too busy to pay much attention to me." The girl's question draws a small nod from Aivey, "I was. But there wasn't much I could do about it."

Lili is solemn for a long moment, her eyes flitting downward for the silence. "Well," she finally speaks, tossing her head a little to remove the straying strands of hair from her eyes. "/Our/ riders won't be too busy to pay attention, miss. Not Emieth and I, that's for sure." She heaves a deep breath, and starts up from her knees. "I'm glad you were brave enough to meet J'lor, and just as glad you arrived safely here," she decides, dusting her hands on her tunic. "I'm sorry if Emi interrupted you before - she has this thing about the sand. It fixes her itches."

"Then should I ever find myself in a similar situation, I'll be glad to know you're in the sky. You and your Emieth," Aivey's smile resurfaces and she stands to dust the sand from her hands, "She meant no harm. I'm not offended... we had a nice talk, Lili. All's forgiven." Retreating a few steps, Aivey turns and heads off, back toward the main area of the camp.


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