Vignette: Bad, bad dream

Oct 15, 2006 22:45

Another dream thing because there's not much else Aivey can do and she's not *so* crazy that she's started talking to herself. Yet.

Note: I wrote this on the 13th, set it private to edit at a later date and promptly forgot about it until now.

When she does sleep, her dreams turn toward that inevitable path, the inevitable end. Trapped in the storeroom, guarded by men who could very well want to kill her themselves, Aivey sleeps but it's not an easy slumber.

More vivid and logical then her normal dreams, it starts with the sound of a hiss.

At once, the sky is full. A cloud that's so thick she thinks it has to be smoke from a fire at first. In a way, it is. Writhing, shifting, living, the cloud descends upon her. Try as she might to escape, she can't. Frozen in place, bound in doesn't seem to matter, she stands no chance.

Now she knows he lied. It's anything but brief and more painful then she could imagine.

Aivey wakes with a start. Her face is wet, her jaw aches from having clenched it so tightly and she's shaking. She can't stop shaking, can't get rid of that image of a writhing cloud dropping on top of her.

She knows her options, has had nothing but time to plan them, perfect them. Aivey looks around the storeroom, slowly gaining comfort as she reviews them in her mind. She still has options, and for now, she's willing to wait.

This second entry is something that's been stuck in my head for a few days now. If it's confusing, it's not just you. Bonus points to those who can figure out who 'he' is.

"Are you afraid?"

In her mind, she plays out the conversation she'd have with him. That is her first question. His answer gives her confidence. No.

"I'll protect you."

She can see the smirk. It doesn't bother her. It makes her want to laugh. He doesn't believe she can really protect him and he has every right not to believe her. She probably can't protect him.

"I'll make them a deal."

He amuses her. Entertains her scheme. He waits in silence to hear what she has to say.

"I'll tell them I did everything. I did do everything, its the truth."

He's still silent. Waiting. Judging.

"They'll believe me. You will get off."

She continues. "I know what they'll do to me. I've killed people. There's no reason why I shouldn't take all the blame, what worse can they do to me?"

He wants to know. Is she ready to die?

"Yes." A bold faced lie. She's not, but she says she is.

She can tell by the glint in his eye, in the tiny twitch of the muscle near the corner of his eye that he knows she's lying. This bothers her, but she tries to cover it.

"I knew it was coming. Knew it'd happen if I got caught."

He wants to know why she got caught in the first place. Why she didn't run. What went wrong with her plan.

"I got bold. Cocky,"

He smirks again. She matches it and continues.

"I saw an opportunity. I was going to kill him, like we agreed needed to be done. I wasn't expecting things to go the way they did."

He doesn't know what happened. She tells him. He laughs and it makes her angry.

"I had to play the part. I had to let him think it was working. I didn't believe it. Any of it."

He finds something amusing. She doesn't bother lingering on figuring out what it is.

"I don't have long. I've told them almost everything I've done. If he doesn't come through-"

She's not superstitious, but she doesn't finish the sentence. He shakes his head; disgusted or disappointed? She doesn't know, can't tell.

"I'm not afraid to die," She tells him again.

There's only silence. She can't even convince herself at this point.


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