Sudden Death!

Oct 12, 2006 23:49

Scene: D'ven comes to visit, and we get to see Aivey's softer side.
PLayers: D'ven and Aivey
Place: Aivey's Cell

Old Empty Storeroom

Small and rather dusty, this room is just what the name implies. It used to be another storage space for the various odds and ends used by folk regularly enough to warrant its own room. Only problem was it was too far away from most of the residential areas, so it was cleaned out and had a few modifications made to it. For instance, there are no shelves, the rugs and any tapestries have all been removed, and the door locks from the outside. A thick metal ring has been embedded in the wall off in one corner so only half of it juts out, a perfect loop for sturdy rope or a chain. There's one glowbasket up on a wall, but it's empty.

Monitored by the guards posted outside her closed door, Aivey is /still/ in this one damn room, still seated against the wall though can now at least entertain herself with the deck of cards gifted to her by Roa. She does so now by absently flicking the cards toward what looks to be a center point; unmarked by all but the cards littered around the tiny crack in the stone. One leg is bent at the knee, forearm resting upon it. The other is looped around her middle. Predictably, she looks bored. Predictably too, this does not bode well.

D'ven approaches the guards, familiar with the area since he was the one who delivered Aivey here. "I'd like to see the prisoner, if I may." He murmurs, though it doesn't seem to be exactly a request for all that it's phrased as one.

By the look the guard greets D'ven with, it's safe to assume the man is not pleased with the rash of visitors Aivey has received as of late. A hasty clearing of his throat precedes a motion of his hand, one intended to ensure D'ven has no weapons on him or anything of the contraband variety. Once done, he opens the door and motions D'ven through, a warning delivered that he's to be careful. Not quite literally on D'ven's heels, a second younger guard prepares himself to follow D'ven in where he will take up position just near the door.

Ignoring the guard's look, D'ven waits for the search to be over before stepping inside. "Hello Aivey." He murmurs with a nasty smile, eyes drifting around the room before settling on the girl. "Did you miss me?" His tone is mocking.

As always, it's the sound of the door opening that alerts Aivey to an impending visit. She is, at least, mildly amused by D'ven's greeting. Enough so that she stills her game with the cards to greet him properly. "You have no idea how much. I'm glad you've finally gotten around to coming down," A quick check over his shoulder finds the other guard, though he's dismissed as she looks back toward D'ven. "Well played. I didn't get a chance to say that before."

"Well, I was hardly just going to forget about you once I'd gotten you down here." D'ven replies, seeming somewhat amused himself. At the compliment, his lips twist slightly. "Thank you. You're quite good at playing yourself. But I'd have enjoyed it so much more if the stakes were something less valuable than people's lives."

"We play different games, then," Aivey surmises with a small frown, "High stakes is the only way to go. It's nothing I expect you to understand so don't feel too bad," With the hand holding the deck, she motions toward the ground, "Have a seat. Stay a while. Chat."

D'ven does indeed settle on the ground. "Oh, normally I quite enjoy high stakes. There are some things I just don't think were made for playing with." He shrugs. "And yes, I'll stay a while. I hardly came down here to see if you missed me then leave, after all."

"It wasn't all about lives. I killed most of those I intended to," Aivey sets the deck down, folds her hands together and looks quite seriously at D'ven, "Most of it was about a message that I do believe has been delivered. Nothing more. What of your game, D'ven? Why woo the simpleton?"

D'ven considers this a moment. "Because you're quite attractive, and I like sex." He replies honestly, before adding "And I needed information. I needed someone who people would overlook, and talk in front of. Who saw things I didn't. Because people I cared about were at risk."

"Ironic, isn't it?" Aivey replies after his first, "That what you were looking for was what you were looking for? It's why I used the act. It worked well. Too well, almost." A thoughtful expression surfaces, quite a stark contrast from her usual expression, though she offers nothing further past it.

"Yes, I suppose it was indeed ironic." D'ven agrees with a nod, before tilting his head curiously. "Too well? How so?" That seems to have captured his attention, as does the thoughtful expression.

"It was too easy to get what I needed, what I wanted. There was almost no fun involved," A coy smile is followed with a small intake of breath, preparation for something which isn't delivered - the aversion of Aivey's gaze says as much, "Your friends are safe at any rate... they always were, minus a few bumps and bruises along the way. Riders are - riders are sturdy. You bounce back fast."

"You were threatening their lives. Even riders can't bounce back from death." D'ven replies, before grinning. "And I think there was plenty of fun involved." There's a pause, the aversion not having gone unnoticed. "What were you going to say, Aivey?"

"Their lives weren't threatened... they were only made to believe that," Aivey says, looking back toward D'ven, "None of them would have been killed - T'zen... he's the only exception but because he sliced me. You can understand that, can't you? After what you did... you should be able to understand the want for revenge." She pauses again, reaches for the cards and taps a finger ontop of the deck, "Roa gave me these. I think she's taking a liking to me."

D'ven nods. "Oh yes, I can understand the want for revenge. The need for it." He agrees, tone low. At the mention of Roa, his gaze darkens slightly. "Did she now? And she is, huh? How nice for her."

"Or she wants me to think she is. I don't really care one way or another," Aivey says with a small smile. It doesn't widen, but it does tremble slightly, the urge restrained as she catches the switch in his expression, "You're not fond of her, D'ven? Would you like me to take care of her for you?" The guard at the entrance clearly does not find this as funny as Aivey thinks it is, and clears his throat as a subtle warning.

"Awww, you'd do that for me? You're so sweet." D'ven replies mockingly, shaking his head. "No. Roa and I may have had a small disagreement." Or a fairly major one, if his tone is anything to go by "But I don't want her dead. And if I wanted anyone dead, I'd do it myself. I'm more than capable." A pause. "Oh, you'll like this. Someone thought it was me. That was I framing E'sere as part of my plan to take over the Weyr."

"Did they now? I wonder how." Aivey tucks away what little she can gain from the first half of his words, absently picks up the second half while shuffling the cards anew, "It does make sense though, what with E'sere now being fingered too. You're free to take up the reigns, maybe even have people calling you Weyrleader. Tell me... would you pardon me, D'ven, after everything I've done? My score will be settled, I'll have no cause to hurt anyone else."

D'ven laughs. "Yes, perhaps I am. Except for the fact I don't want people to call me that. I'd rather just go on living my life." He replies, before considering the question. "How would I know I could believe you, when you said that?" He points out after a moment. "While I'll admit I find you fascinating, I think at this point there's an island somewhere with your name on it. Or thread. A pity, chose your path."

"When I give my word, I keep it. You'd have my word on that. Not-" A wane smile surfaces, "Not that I'd expect you to believe that, but it's the truth." Still shuffling, Aivey looks away to focus on task, "You forgot beautiful. You said that earlier and I really do prefer that." A quick pause, "Thread, most likely. I've pretty much got it all figured out, did from the start. It really is too bad, you know. Once things quieted down... well..." Again that look, that one that almost says she wants to say more before she does, "Once things quieted down, I'd have chosen you. It was a game, sure, but I like how you handled R'vain. You cared and I can appreciate that."

"Beautiful." D'ven echoes, before sighing slightly. "I'm afraid I might have disappointed you. I've...never been one for relationships, not really. Not the kind that say, Br'ce and Aida have." There's a wry smile. "Yes, I did care. He didn't, did he? Hit you, I mean." The question seems to be largely rhetorical, for he moves on to the more important one with barely a pause. "What are you not saying, Aivey?"

"Relationships haven't ever been my thing either," Aivey says, "Doubt it'd work with you being a rider anyways. I would have chosen you... do you understand?" A shrug dismisses the point as she continues avoiding looking at him and finally answers his question. "It won't be so bad, right? Another one of those ironic things... getting killed by Thread after trying to take down the weyr."

D'ven nods. "I understand." He murmurs, before falling silent. Eventually, he gives her the comfort she seems to be seeking. "No, it won't be so bad, Aivey. Painful, but brief. I got scored myself, last fall. Another irony, I guess. Thread did something you couldn't. Put a mark on me. Hurt me."

"Let me see?" Strange she locks onto such, the score received in Threadfall, yet Aivey does. "I'm almost disappointed I couldn't put a mark on you. In less then a seven, I'm sure you'll forget me. It might take others longer but... you don't seem like the type who lingers."

"No, I'm not." D'ven agrees, removing his makeshift jacket to reveal the score. It's on his upper arm and shoulder, twisted claw marks where it has bitten into him. "It'll be a pity, in a way. Somethings shouldn't be forgotten."

"They don't have to be forgotten," Aivey says quietly, sounding distracted as she takes in sight of the scar, "No worries on that though... girls like me can appreciate scars like that. I'd show it off if I were you." She reaches out toward the shoulder, eyes on it and not D'ven or the guard who continues to watch on, not yet doing anything but looking to be on the alert and ready.

D'ven nods. "No, I suppose they don't at that." At the comment he grins. "Yes, I'm well aware of the power of scars. And I'm not the type to hide such things anyway." He dosn't seem to worry about Aivey touching the shoulder. It's not as if she's strong enough to overpower him, and she has no weapons. Besides, there's the guard there.

Unstopped, Aivey's fingers trail a line just above the threadscore...not touching, not daring to until she reaches 'score free skin. A light brush, nothing more, then she retracts her hand. "Think about what I said, will you? About all of it?" Still pitching her tone low enough to keep their conversation mostly private, Aivey tags on, "If anyone can do something, I know you can."

"I'll think about it." D'ven murmurs, his own tone low and private. "Believe me, I'll think about it for a long time to come." He puts his jacket back on then, standing slowly. "I should go, I fear. I've a lot to do."

"I don't have that long," Aivey says, almost pointedly, but without much hope. As he stands, she reaches for her cards and begins shuffling them again, attention once more diverted.

"I know." D'ven replies. "That wasn't what I meant, and you know it." And then her attention is diverted, and he's heading over towards the door and away.

Aivey has the ability to watch him go while under the pretense of throwing the cards toward the pile already built up. There is, for all of a second after the guard has secured the door shut behind himself and D'ven, a flash of regret. But it fades by the time the first card drops to the stone.


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