Right now suffering from a bad cold mainly a head cold now but the past few days it has been a horrid sore thraot cold >.< hate it.
Still going through the USA copy of MMXCM is good though I must say what the hell have Capcom done everytime they try dub a MM game guess what yep they ruin it just like MMXCM. The Japanese cast all suited the characters well and worked, but the USA verison well, Zero has no become a surfer type duddddddeee, his character would never say things he says in this (its so bad I feel like he is gonna look at X and say Zero : "Where's my lightsaber dude?" X : "Donna dude where's your lightsaber?" Axel "Duddeeeeee wh3r3's yur l1ght sab3er!", Spiders voice is to low for him. Massimo's voice kinda works as does Marino's, Cinnenmons >.< can shatter windows I swear. Main thing that annoied me was how much Capcom USA manged to ruin Zero's personality in this game with lines like "I've got a WAD of payback just for you". only when it comes to him talking in text rather than speech does he act like the Zero he should. I tell you once I have finished this I plan on if playing CM again playing the Japanese verison. ^^' If only teh Euro verison had the Japanese voices on it I'd pick it up just for the fact of switching it back to Japanese for the voices. Capcom a message from a long time MMX fan LEAVE IN THE GOD DAMNED JAPANESE VOICES NEXT TIME OR JSUT DON'T BOTHER DUBBING IT AT ALL.
Still good news from
http://www.inti.co.jp/ seems the RockMan Zero 3 remastered tracks is going to be out this yes and is called "Remastered Tracks Rockman Zero - Telos" quite looking forward to his soundtrack as MMZ3 has the best music of the MegaMan Zero series.
Right now thats done I feel better :P though still coughing like hell
I need to spend more time on FFXI soon I guess but MMXCM and Star Oeacen 3 are well quite frankly better games to me right now and probbly always will be!
Latly been drawing alot of MMX art work to get better at the style here are some I've drawn, if you wanna see the full image well goto my DA account to see it.
Comments on them on here or there are welcome