[Saiyuki] Mirrors

Feb 08, 2007 23:45

Title: Mirrors
Fandom: Saiyuki
Characters: Currently Goku and Hakkai
Series: None, but same style as the other ficlet series?
Warnings: Second person! Also, this is INCOMPLETE - there should be a part for Gojyo and one for Sanzo, but there's not.
Misc. Information: Two ficlets of exactly 250 words. And yes, there should be four. I only wrote two. :( Which is why it's the first time *these* are showing up out of f-lock too.



Once upon a time you did not use mirrors.

Once upon a time you did not use mirrors because you did not see the need. There was always her, and she was your other half, and there was no need to look in your own face when you could find everything in hers.

Then you lost her, and the world turned empty because you were broken apart and the others could not understand the hate that came from missing half of yourself.

Once upon a time you did not use mirrors because every time you did, the reflection was her except not and the only thing you could see were the differences.

Then you found her. and you were whole again, and the people who saw her marvelled and said that she was the mirror image of you and only you knew it was the other way around.

And you loved her and she loved you and the world was perfect because you were together again and your house had no mirrors.

Then you lost her.

Now, you use mirrors because you don't see her anymore, because she is gone and not even her ghost remains in your reflection. Now you look in mirrors and you see invisible vines twisting over your skin and the shadow of blood spattered across your face and the glint of silver off your earcuffs.

Now, you use mirrors because the only thing you see is a monster.

And that is as it should be.



You do not mind mirrors. Usually, when you look in them you see nothing more or less than yourself and isn't that what you're supposed to see?

But sometimes, you are looking at your reflection and Hakkai comes up behind you to tell you that dinner is ready, Goku or Gojyo to say oi, monkey, quit hogging the bathroom, which is a bit much coming from Gojyo you think, or Sanzo with if you don't hurry up we're leaving without you.

And your retort dies unspoken when you look at them in the mirror, because they are Hakkai and Gojyo and Sanzo but they aren't and there is the shadow of someone different in their reflections.

The people you almost see then seem very strange and strangely familiar and when you look at them you can almost find answers to questions you didn't know you had.

But then Hakkai asks whether you are all right or Gojyo yells at you to stop staring at him and hurry up already or Sanzo whacks you with the fan and they are only themselves again, with no one hiding in their reflection.

So you tell Hakkai you are fine or yell back at Gojyo or rub your new bruise and you are angry at them.

You are not angry at them because of Hakkai's worrying or Gojyo's teasing or Sanzo's hitting you yet again.

You are angry at them because, for those few moments, you almost remembered.


Originally posted here.

character: goku, genre: second person, fandom: saiyuki, character: hakkai

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