Title: Deich bliadhna
Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist
Characters: Al
Series: Foreign language excursions
Warnings: Angst. Gratuitious Scots Gaelic. Although there is a translation.
Misc. Information: ...I am so, so sorry.
hime1999 was writing fic in Indonesian and I wanted revenge.
Tha e deich bliadhna.
Cha toil leat sin. Tha e ag iarraidh fàs agus caochail. Tha e ag iarraidh foillsich cailinean, cinn inbheach, feuch treas-tarruinn a theagamh. Tha e ag iarraidh gun e e am balach cumanta.
Cha tachair e.
'S e Alphonse Elric a tha an t-ainm a th'air agus tha e deich bliadhna. Bha e deich bliadhna airson coig bliadhna. Bidh e deich bliadhna daonnan.
Tha e deich bliadhna. Cha toil leat sin, ach cha bi e caochail.
He is ten years old.
He doesn't like that. He wants to grow and change. He wants to discover girls, become a teenager, try alcohol perhaps. He wants to be a normal boy.
It will not happen.
His name is Alphonse Elric and he is ten years old. He has been ten years old for five years. He will always be ten years old.
He is ten years old. He doesn't like that, but it will not change.
Title: دَفاتِرٍ وَطاولاتٍ
Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist
Characters: Ed, Al
Series: Foreign language excursions
Warnings: Gratuitious Arabic. Crack due to pathetic command of language.
Misc. Information: I really wanted revenge! Again with translation... which should make the full extent of my Arabic skillz obvious.
انا كُرسيٌ.
لا, نيسان. لَستَ كُرسياً.
هَل انا طَاولةٌ؟
لا, نيسان. لَستَ طَاولةً.
دَفْتَرٌ؟ هَل انا دَفْتَرٌ؟
هَل انا هذا الْدَفتَر؟ الْدَفتَر الْكَبير؟
نيسان,انت اكلت الكثير من السكر...
I am a chair.
No, Niisan. You're not a chair.
Am I a table?
No, Niisan. You're not a table.
A notebook? Am I a notebook?
Am I this notebook? The big one?
...Niisan, you've had too much sugar.
Don't say a WORD.
Both originally posted
here. ...updating this now, I think I should've added one in Latin.