Stress levels rising...

Jun 21, 2012 16:15

Today I found out that Justin may be staying away longer than we thought. He's still coming back July 12 to the United States but his family may not immediately drive back here with him to Delaware. Even before I knew that, I had decided that I was going to be selfish. July 12 is the first class of roller derby that I will be learning. I couldn't bring myself to miss it because we ( justin and I) may be out of the country next year. So I'm going to do roller derby and be a little selfish instead of flying to Wisconsin to see him.

I guess my decision really couldn't be anything else though. If they don't know when they're coming back, what if I have a job offer I need to get to? Unfortunately I need to stay around here. I just hope that Justin will be back for my birthday on the 26th. I had a hunch back in February that he wouldn't be, and I may have been correct.

I'm scared because that means at least four more weeks that is not here. And that's only if his family does come back to Delaware a week after he gets back to Wisconsin. There are so many ifs. It really worries me. But I don't know what else I would do. And I don't think I could make a better choice other than to stay here and do what I want to do. I just have to trust in Justin as I always have. Our relationship is really strong. It'll be able to make it through this.

Doesn't change the fact that I'm scared though. : (

In happier news, I am joining roller derby as I said. My friend Lauren will be joining with me so I won't be the only new one. I think that there will be a class of about 14 of us. I am really excited because I wanted to do this for three years now. It's amazing that I'm finally having the opportunity to do it. If anyone happens to be near Newark Delaware at the Christiana skating rink, you should come and see me!

My friend Sam passed his nursing licensure test the other day. He always gets lower test scores than me, but he did pass with a minimum 75 questions. I hope that bodes well for me. I am planning on completing all the question bank questions. I still have about 700 or 800 of them to go. I figure once I'm done all of them, I'll least be a little bit better. And apparently I'm good enough to pass right now! Here's hoping anyway. Argggh. So many ifs and uncertainties. It feels so heavy and overwhelming at times.

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