work + concert in one day = TIRED

May 07, 2012 06:37

I've had a kind of exhausting week/weekend and I can't wait to go home on Thursday. Seriously. It's not that I don't love my puppies, but getting up at 6am with Heather every morning, working a lot, and going to sleep without Justin at my side at night SUCKS. Today, luckily, I have off and I think I'm going to take advantage to just lay around and do jack shit. Yesterday was a busy day where I worked four hours in the morning, then drove an hour and a half each way to see Justin for a couple hours. During which some of them he was in an orchestra concert. Oh, and thank goodness I left at 6:30 because he and the entire orchestra got treated to free Yi Palace (great Chinese food) which I wasn't allowed to go to. (deadpan stare)

I felt sliiiightly underappreciated. I also wore the plaid dress he loves and didn't get so much as a compliment of "you look great." Nothing. Jeez. I know it was because he was tired too (they played through in a dress rehearsal immediately before the real thing. literally, he did the entire concert twice, and he had some beautiful solos) but some compliments would have been nice. He did snuggle with me and say he missed me though. That was nice to hear, because we've both been too busy to text frequently. Or I should say, he has been.

It seems to be pretty often that I give a lot more priority to his texts than he gives to mine. Maybe I'm just too clingy at this stage and need to back off a little. If it takes me an hour or two to respond to his texts... I'm not doing anything besides giving him a little space. IMHO.

Whatever. Breakfast time!
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