Since I have a sincere doubt that the ramblings under the cut will appeal to anyone other than those who are interested in my writing process, I'm just going to post my
Twitter link for anyone interested.
This should be a final "fandom awareness" thing for a while, since these things tend to act as a palate cleanser while I work through a distraction from what I really want to do. And this one was a fairly major issue I had worked through.
I had this thought to work out some narrative issues regarding some SPN fics currently on a hiatus, but I think I'm rambled through to my solution. It was an issue of narrative integrity versus what readers have expressed interest in and asked for.It took me a moment to realize just what was bothering me and what I was doing. And it disturbed me that I had to sit down and think about this issue.
See, in my "Reborn" 'verse, I had created a problem between what I thought was a logical narrative and what my audience was asking for. When I started writing it, I said something about it that implied a specific outcome. But now, so long after it started, and coming close to the pivotal scenes that inspired the whole mess of it, I reviewed the original outline.
This hasn't happened to me before. I generally took the path of least resistance to please specific readers. Looking back on it now, it's something I actually regret. I allowed my audience to dictate my story. And when it came to this one, this single SPN story that I was trying to work around, I found that I regretted each and every bow to the audience in previous scribblings. As a narrator, I had given up what I originally started and diluted my voice.
I understand that fanfiction is not particularly serious. But I've been using it for years as a practice. A sort of whetstone. And now, far too many years after starting, I'm actually confident in my ability to write.
So I've rewritten the latest instalment, and left it to review in a bit. Maybe rewrite again because it's going to involve a conversation between characters that has to be done.
Why the hell don't I have these issues with Sherlock and Doctor Who? I'm far more emotionally invested in them than I am in SPN (for fuck's sake, I adore the Doctor, and I was actually emotionally affected during "The Reichenbach Fall"), but those voices come so much easier to me. Their stories are so much easier to write despite having so much more history, canon, and conflicting canon.
In any case, I've firmly established that, while I love feedback, prompts, requests, and an active conversation with my audience, I am writing for myself.
I think that's enough of a writing break for now, really. There are new things coming. I do hope that the new tones are welcomed, but I also have some silly little bits of fluff regarding a particular consulting detective to write.
Why the fuck am I up past midnight?