An honest plea to dear old mother nature

Sep 14, 2005 12:16

Seriously, one day it's raining when I leave, by the time I'm done with my first class the sun is shining and I'm stuck with my raincoat all day. Another day this week it was pretty cold when I left, so I wore long sleeves. Then it got up to about 90 degrees and I was sweltering all day. Just yesterday, it was nice and sunny when I left, looking like it was going to become a beautiful day, so I decided to wear a tank top. Not even half way into my first class of the day, it became cloudy and cold and I had to shiver all day until I could go home and get some more clothes. Let me just make this clear, I do not really mind any of this weather all that much, I just want to have a little notice on what the weather will be. I do not want to have to keep an entire wardrobe in my backpack just to be able to be comfortable during the school day.

Anyway, on to more interesting topics than the weather. In puppetry today, we made puppets out of newspapers and plastic bags. And, of course, tape. I mean really, what can you make without tape? That was a lot of fun, especially considering that this is a CLASS and I get CREDIT for it. I cannot believe that they are giving me credit to do the kind of playing I did as a child. Gotta love that arts major. I can bet I had a lot more fun in class today than the physics majors did.

P.S. When I'm done with this show that is eating all of my time (as shows tend to do) we need to have a party or something before I get too busy with the next one.
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