Jul 14, 2010 23:03
As you can probably tell from the (in)frequency of my posting, I mostly use my account to have a LJ identity for posting comments to other LJ'ers posts or to have an OpenID ID for Blogspot comments etc. But for various reasons (not unconnected with a desire to have a more active LJ account) I am making a new resolution to post more often, even if I don't consider my doings to be all that fascinating to anyone.
Perhaps I ought to keep one of those lists of Books I Have Read This Year, since reading is one of my great pleasures. But it's going to have to start in medias res, since I wasn't keeping lists until just now. Perhaps Books I have read since June 2010. And probably not comprehensive.
Here goes:
Black Blade Blues, by J.A. Pitts
Dead Man's Ransom, by Ellis Peters (re-read)
Night Work by Laurie R. King (re-read)
The Art of Detection by Laurie R. King (re-read)
A Wizard of Mars by Diane Duane
Saltation by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller
Remnant Population by Elizabeth Moon (re-read)
With Child by Laurie R. King (re-read)