Feb 13, 2008 16:50
The lady in my seminar group has put me down to do a 20 minute presentation on 'the role of the catholic church in 18th century French society'. In French. Posh, perfect, proper french. On my own. In front of a class of other students, all of whom are french. And all of whom know precisely what they're doing. And I'm the first one on the list of people to do one this semester.
I've no idea about the role of catholicism in 18th-century french society. I have no idea how to prepare or do a presentation of that lenght at that level and in that register of French. I am neither a proper catholic nor french. And I'm not even certain when this is meant to be happening as the timetable's been fucked about by last year's stikes. I don't even know how to find books in the library (come back STAR, all is forgiven...). Hell, I don't even have the reading list for this course. I'm not even sure of its title.
I'm screwed.
This is on top of the other history presentation for Friday (the french education system in the 19th century). I have no idea how to do that one either.
I've had enough of all this. My hair is coming out in clumps from stress and I don't understand anything here. I just want it to be over already. But sadly, I have another 2 1/2 hours of evening classes to go tonight.