"Oh yea? Well to me it looks like a golden shiney wire of hope." -Barret from FFVIII absolutely love this quote. It's always stuck in my mind as a wonderfully typical Barret thing to say. It's so amusing it's not even funny. I've even tried to use it as a reference in conversation before. Least to say no one got it, but it felt good anyway. XD
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All right, time for another dream. This is one that I had some time back and told a brief snippet to Erin. She has been waiting forever now for me to write it out more completely. It's Halo, RedvsBlue, FFVII, and some friends of mine together for some weirdness. And stupidity. Can't forget the stupidity.
1. Comment and I'll tell you what fandom I associate with you. 2. I'll tell you what icon I see on my friends list and know it's you. 3. Post this in your own journal so I can see what fandom you associate with me.
Yo! Check this RPG out. It looks pretty interesting and its very free going with the plot. It's set in its own world, Élisia, which is comprised of all the Final Fantasy worlds as well as the Kingdom Hearts worlds. So cities and towns from any of the games is plausible to existing there. It's basically a crossover of those two series. Have at it: