Oh, yea! Lizzie's recent post on her lj reminded me of the thing I forgot about! It was a dream. ^^
This one is short and totally pointless. I had it the day before (Friday) and so we'll see if I can remember it properly. At least it was short... and it's my favorite fandom. Well, one of many current obsessions? >XD
I was Master Chief! Ok, well, not really. But that's the point of view I had, just like in the game. I could see nothing but the TV screen, so it appeared solely from Chief's point of view rather than my own. His hand, current gun, and surroundings were all I saw in the entire dream. But the voice I heard was mine. And maybe a friend or two.
So, I'm running around some random level (I can't even remember what it looked like but whatever; that's not the point) and killing things. I kill a Covenant Hunter and run up to its corpse. I try to pick up its weapon just because, even though I know you can't pick up their awesome canon. I still try. Low and behold, I pick it up!! Holy hell yes! Of course I'm really excited, this thing is freakin' cool. I explicitly remember that the dream accurately had the gun held in Master Chief's hand, too. As in, although the weapon wasn't made up or anything, the view it showed was and yet it was still accurate in the shape, design, and look of the weapon as it should probably be if you could wield it. Awesome.
Oddly enough in the dream I was apparently playing two campaigns at once. In another game I had some other weapon that isn't wieldable. I can't remember what it is, but in the dream it had a proper name. Go figure my memory remembers it for the dream but not now. >_> Ok, anyway, so I have TWO weapons you can't wield and I'm wielding, one in each game.
I call to my friends and try to get their attention (they're in the other room occupied with something, go figure). I'm explaining what happened and all. Granted, as I said before I only ever seen Master Chief's point of view so this is all 'in the background' so to speak. And that's it. That's the entire dream. Master Chief wielding guns you can't actually wield in the game. If my friends ever came in and saw, I can't remember. If they said anything, I'm not sure. But I think its a definite maybe that it did happen. But I was waking up then.
Ok, so that's it. Although it was short and sweet, I seem to have a knack for explaining things really long. Oh well. >_O;;