Aug 17, 2006 11:33
I had another interesting dream last night! It was quite a thriller. Heh. Ok, that was actually a very bad pun. I'll explain. My dream was the epitome of a thriller movie. It had the "camera" angles and story movement as some type of movie. And considering the nature of the dream, I would classify it as a thriller. It was actually quite interesting though. And at least it wasn't a nightmare! (For me anyway, but that says nothing for the main character.)
So here's the basic story:
The main character's wife was killed many years earlier and the case was never solved if there was a killer. The main character was adamant that there was one. Years later is when the actual dream takes place.
A lot of the beginning I don't remember too well, but I know it went through a couple of scenes where the main character meets this certain other male character and they start hanging out/becoming friends I guess. But strange things come up. The main character starts to get suspicious of things. Exciting suspenseful scenes take place here and there.
Then the end comes up and I remember a bit more of that. The male character finally confronts the main character, reveling himself to the already suspecting main character that he was the murder of the wife years earlier. He also starts to taunt the main character. Somewhere in this scene the main character realizes something and, in typical movie-style flashbacks, earlier scenes play out with emphasize on things that were merely background the original time through. The flashbacks focus on a young boy (about 12 or 13) and even go so far as to 'highlight' him in the slow-playing, sudden hard-hitting realization flashbacks. The young boy is the main character's missing son.
Then it gets a bit silly, but it's still a good thriller. It's just that it suddenly adds in one of my OCs into the story. But it continues smoothly and the OC is actually a good character personality wise. (This particular character tends to be hard for me to keep IC and she runs around doing god-moding type things. Probably because she's "me" and also because when things get screwed up in my plots I basically say "screw it!" and start playing out silly shit. Thankfully my dream kept this from happening and she was as she's supposed to be!) That's the only reason why it's 'silly' so really it's not silly. >_>;
Anyway, with the realization the main character starts to try and get his kid back (of course). The next clear scene in my memory is that the male character, the villain now, grabs the kid and races off in his truck. Nearby are some other people (Mexicans I noted while in the dream) with trucks. I guess the main character hops in one of the vehicles cause he comes back into play at the end of the "movie" but he isn't seen in this particular scene. Anyway, the two Mexican loaded trucks race after the bad guy when they realize the kid is being abducted.
The kid has actually been raised by the bad guy though, so he's not screaming and all that jazz or anything, but rather going along freely. He was raised as the villain's son after all, and calls the villain "Dad."
Anyway, my OC (Kethry) is in there somewhere too and coordinating the Mexicans in their driving, telling them not to ram the vehicle or shoot it or anything violent because it'll only get them in trouble with the law. (She's military, by the way, and very disciplined.) She gets her vehicle up close to the runaway one and hops into the back of the truck. From there she reaches inside the vehicle on the driver's side and 'wrestles' with the villain. The window is either down or has been shot out, go figure.
But she can't really do much in the position she's in, specially without getting the kid hurt. He starts threatening the kid's life for one thing, another is that she doesn't want to wreck the vehicle with the kid in it. This is basically when the kid realizes the villain guy isn't his father and he thinks the main character actually is. Smart kid.
Don't ask, but we're in a desert-like place by now (it was a small town after all, but I recall a beach scene so... yea... I don't know...) and the road is a dirt path out in the middle of nowhere. It's dark so I can't see much in the dream but I still think it was some sort of desert-like place in the middle of nowhere, but I could be wrong. Right. Anyway. The point is that the road is coming to an end, there's a cliff up ahead. The villain steers straight for it and threatens to run over the cliff. Also, by now the other two vehicles have fallen quite behind at some point in time during the chase scene.
Kethry now tries reasoning with the man, although it quickly turns into quiet but harsh threatening, military-style basically. It doesn't work, and the more she hurts/pressures/wrestles with the guy the more determined he becomes. Kethry has to figure out something else to do to save the boy. Oddly, the villain is actually encouraging her to save the boy. Or not so oddly, because he has actually cared for the boy for several years now and called him son. He wants to kill himself basically but save the kid.
So Kethry leaves his side of the vehicle and goes to the other. She opens the door to the passenger side and climbs down so that she's standing on the side, hanging onto the roof with the open door swinging behind her. She tells the kid to hang on to her, they're going to jump. But she tries one last time to reason with the villain and stop the vehicle. No go.
At almost the last possible second, Kethry jumps back from the vehicle with the kid latched on to her, pushing backwards off the truck. It keeps going straight for the cliff. Kethry hits the ground martial arts style (basically, rolling back with it and slapping the ground hard with your hands and arms) then, because of the momentum, starts rolling sideways towards the cliff. They stop several yards from it of course, can't even look down it so far away. Kethry makes sure throughout the roll that the kid hardly touches anything but her and keeps him safe, no injuries. The roll stops with Kethry on bottom and the kid on top, then roll back to their sides. Keth rolls back to her back and winces in pain as she lies there. The kid worries about her.
Now the other vehicles show up and the boy's father gets out, examines the kid, makes sure Keth is ok, then hugs the kid and starts sob-explaining. The kid tells him he understands, he knows the truth, he'd like to stay with his real father, blah blah blah... but he's also not really hugging his dad back because he's not used to it or anything, doesn't know him well or anything.
Keth tries to get up, wincing the way, and the kid notices she's bleeding. The main character worries over her, saying he'll take her to the hospital and stuff but she refuses 'cause she doesn't like hospitals. Besides, she says, she knows basic first aid. The main character points out that she can't reach the wound on the back of her shoulder. She just shrugs it off.
It fades into a final scene, something like the newly reunited family on some outing probably with Bar-B-Que and all that, with Keth visiting and being cajoled into playing some sports game with the kid. All happy and stuff.
Yea, strange dream. Here's some more info though: I think the main character was Jeff Bridges, but I can't remember exactly; I remember for certain that the villain was in fact John Travolta. It was quite interesting that not only did it play out like a movie, but it had actors playing the parts as well! And lots of time the first part with the sole focus being on the main character it was through his eyes, so that's half the reason why I can't remember exactly if it was Bridges or not. And I think Kethry had supposedly been in scenes before, but only really showed up in the last part where it focused on her and the kid.
Riight. Isn't that fun? I wonder if it had anything to do with the movie I watched last night? *Rolls eyes innocently* Oh, yea... because half the plot is very similar. >XD Oh, well. Anyway. That's my dream. Fun, ne? Now I want to make a real movie out of it. XDDD
actor: jeff bridges,