
Apr 29, 2010 23:37

Been kinda meh lately. Took a 4 day vacation from work last week, during which I did.....absolutely nothing of much interest. XD Which is what you're supposed to do on a vacation, ne? Got my sections swapped at work since we had some people transfer to our new store opening in Orland Park (*Pssst* Everyone should go to the grand opening on May 13th....well, those who aren't going to ACen that is. XD). I'm running Magazines and Arts & Crafts still, but I got rid of Genre *Woot Woot* and got Horror/Western Paperbacks and Video Games/Computer Science. >3 Not too comfortable with Computer Science since I don't know much about more than half the crap there, but I'm making do. ^^
Video games is pretty awesome, all things considering. I have alot of backlogged crap to get through, and my boss wants the whole section to be barcoded....which for games that are just cartridges, it's been interesting. >>; But I'm working through it....slowly but surely. It's not helping that my boss is also having everyone price the video games too, which means I essentially have double the work since I have to recheck what people have already priced. I've already found a large stack of things that either should have been priced higher 'cause they look up for alot of money, or priced lower/at clearance 'cause of the condition. I don't understand why someone would price a scratched disk of something that's obviously not worth much even if it was in good condition, at anything but a clearance price. So I'm having to go back and change stuff 'cause my boss had this 'great idea'. Meh. I'm actually pretty alright with the idea, since it'll help staff buy the stuff from the public correctly, if only people would price this shit correctly. It's like they don't even care to look the stuff up. *sighs*
I'm kinda queasy about going back to work tomorrow since I've had these last two days off. My sections are gonna suck. -_-

I got an IPod a few weeks ago.  A 16GB 4th Gen Nano.....Which I hate quite passionately. >O Well, it's not the IPod itself that I'm despising. It's ITunes. That program is such a bloody pain in the ass. Over half the music on my computer is supposedly 'protected WMA' (Or something) files that ITunes can't convert. But I can re-load them into ITunes if I just insert the original disk...Only problem with that is that alot of stuff is from cds I've borrowed or no longer have. *Sighs* So I'm seriously hating on this thing right now. >.< The dude that had it before me had some, err, interesting song tastes though. And there's the Iron Man movie on it too, with is pretty neat, though the tiny screen is totally not for watching videos. Lol.
Anyone wanna buy an IPod Nano in pretty decent shape from me? XD I'm probly gonna just sell it on EBay since I can't return it to work 'cause I bought it over a month ago. >>;. They seem to sell for pretty good prices there though, I just have to put it up. XD

I'm downsizing some of my shit. XD I've got too many books/dvds/crap that I just don't look at anymore. I'm probly gonna sell most of whatever I weed out to work, but anyone wanna buy some of my manga, posters or wallscrolls? Lol. Most of it's gonna be yaoi manga stuff, but there'll probly be some regular stuff too. ^^; I don't even know what to do with the posters and wallscrolls I decide to get rid of....Do people even want anime posters anymore? Oo;

Good news - Got my Reaper hoodie done. Woot Woot! X3 Just need the wings (which I'm making out of foam and wire, easy peasy), the red bandanna, the pouch, and red sneakers......Anyone got a pair of size nine red sneakers I can use/borrow/keep? XD I'd paint a pair of my own, but all I own are dark/black sneakers that would be hell to paint. Bleh. XD

Bad news - Chibi is doing...relatively well under the circumstances, which I guess isn't saying much. She couldn't eat the last week or so 'cause the area under her tongue was so swelled with some sort of infection, so we had to take her to the vet to get a feeding tube put in. She's dropped 1 1/2-1 pounds in the last week-ish. ;_;  We found out that it's an abscess under her tongue that may be caused by a tumor of some sort, possibly cancerous. The vet is sending samples of it in to a lab for further testing, so we'll know for sure if it's cancerous. If it is, well, we're just gonna cross that bridge when we come to it.
Why can't we just catch a break?

I am looking forward to Acen though. Hopefully I'll be able to enjoy it.
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