Feb 09, 2010 00:52
Well, finally got the last PS3 game that I really really wanted. X3 I broke and ended up getting Time Crisis 4 off Ebay, complete with gun and sensors and everything. Lol. I 've kicked myself ever since I didn't get the damn thing from best buy a handful of months ago. (Ashli - if I ever wibble about buying something awesome and eventually say I'm not gonna go back for it for some stupid reason, remind me of this damn Time Crisis. XD) So that should be here soon. X3
So no more PS3 game purchases...even though I still need to get Assassin's Creed 2 and FFXIII (when it comes out). But other than those two, I think I'm all set for PS3 games. I have too many damn games for that console as it is. >>:
*ponders the games* Let's see...Assassin's Creed 1, BlazBlue:Calamity Trigger *not quite sure why I bought this x.x;*, Devil May Cry 4, Dynasty Warriors: Gundam, Eternal Sonata *so have to start playing this*, Genji: Days of the Blade *Essentially only gotten for my Mom since she thought it was nifty...even if I was getting my ass handed to me on a platter at the time*, Heavenly Sword *I borrowed it from work...and was greatly amused by it*. I think that's it aside from Time Crisis 4.
*stares at the list* Yeesh. I have too many damn games. For the PS3 and in general. -_-; I really need to start playing/finishing the damn things. I think I've only finished...two games out of all the ones I played. Devil May Cry and Pokemon Red. Oh! And The World Ends with You. So three that I've finished out of everything. x.x; I never even finished FF8, though I've seen the ending stuff and all. The damn castle at the end was a pain in the ass. XD Oh! And I've finished Kingdom Hearts. So 4 games. *pleased with self* Lol. I'm right at the end of Kingdom Hears 2, but the dude with the cards keeps kicking my ass. I just gave up with it eventually. You can only get beat down some many times before you're ready to kill the game. XD Diablo II probly doesn't count as a game I've finished 'cause it's on the computer, but I've finished that too.....And Gundam Battle Assault, but that's a fighting game and doesn't really have a storyline persay to finish. XD I guess I could count the first three .Hack games (Outbreak, Infection, & Mutation), since I needed to finish one before continuing to the next. But I'm stuck halfway through the fourth one and now I'm not sure what I need to do...It was over a year ago. >>
I have the same problem not finishing with anime that I've started watching. The only series that I've ever actually watched through to the end are...*ponders* Hellsing *the original series, not the remake*, Blue Submarine No. 6, Angel Sanctuary *does this even count?*, Ronin Warriors, Gundam Wing, Shonen Onmyouji, Gravitation, D.N.Angel, Full Metal Alchemist....I think that's it. It's actually a bigger list than I thought it would be. XD That's not counting movies, but they're movies and meant to be finished.
Lets face it, the end of most animes are damn depressing. The characters die *some of them at least*, or something catastrophic happens and it seems to suck all the joy out of the series. -_- Or maybe that's just me. I also just don't want the fun to end, so I tend not to finish most shows I watch.
Guh. I was gonna list all the games (that I can remember) that I've half started and would even want to finish...but it's kinda depressing now that I'm really thinking about it. XDD Ah well.
Oooh! Thought of two more games I've finished - Final Fantasy X and Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. X3