Amo, Amas, Amat

Apr 17, 2008 10:31

Playing with Latin - oh YES!

So, as mentioned in my previous post,  I have a new book, The Odes of Horace In Latin and English, translated with an introduction by Len Krisak, which I am thoroughly tickled to own.  I took three years of Latin and loved it, and yet, until now, I have never read any poetry in Latin.  Poetry and Latin!  OMG!  It's beautiful!  What have I missed?  I want more!  First though, I find I am having to brush up on the pronunciations, because my three years twenty-(*mumblesomething*) years ago is not serving me so well.  Go figure.

Amo, amas, amat
we love Latin a lot.

That pretty much sums up what I remember.

Anyway, I found a really fantastic resource on the web, and even better, it's free!  No only does it have lessons, but also audio files, so you can actually HEAR the words.   And in hearing it, it *is* coming back to me.  Yay!  Having a seriously geeky bliss moment.  My hubby, as usual, doesn' t get me, and simply thinks I'm off my rocker (again).  His loss.

Did you know the "c" in decimus is really a "hard c" and not an "s" sound?  And I didn't realize there were so many different variations of Latin...but there are.  Fascinating!

The Official Wheelock's Latin Series Website is the place to go!  Awesome!  Seriously awesome.

Oh, and the English translations in this book are beautiful too.  The author actually took the time to put his translations into poetry, so they rhyme and they dance.  Quite lovely.

links, book review, latin

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