Jul 20, 2007 21:38
Well... this is the big night. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows comes out in a few hours, and I'll be leaving to get it here pretty soon. I've almost been spoiled like 50 times, but I always manage to catch myself and not read how many people die, etc. (And NYTimes, it's just flat out rude to tell how many die when so many people were trying to protect the ending of this book!!!) Anyways... I really can't believe this is it, the end of Harry Potter. I sincerely hope Harry doesn't die, but I don't think there will be any more after this. So, for these last few hours of ignorance, I can imagine how I'd like Deathly Hallows to end, which is nothing like it will. I'm pretty sure JKR isn't going to make Harry and Snape fall in love, and frankly, the canon characters aren't really suited to each other. Fanon personas though... ;)
As morbid as this sounds, this is a goodbye to Harry Potter. I hope there's tons of new fiction written after this, but with the last book, I can't help but see an ending.
You'll always hold a special place in my heart Harry Potter... and I can't wait to read more (whether canon or fanon) about your world.
book 7 deathly hallows