May 19, 2006 12:32
OK, OK :p Enough, alreadies! :K I have now gotten three notes from some of you wonderful people asking if I am ever coming back to LJ....Sillies, I have never left. It is just that there is so much going on that I have no time to write about any of it...
So here are the high points, in no particular order.
Meighanne has had her baby. Georgia Marie Loch, 6 pounds 4 ounces, 19 inches long, born on May 14th at 11:50 PM which made it just under the wire for her mom to be able to tease her forever about having been a Mother's Day present. I hear she is beautiful but I have not seen her, because Brie and I both have nasty chest colds. I hope she is not too old before I am well enough not to get her sick if I see her. I am used to being in the delivery room.
Mom is doing better. She has begun to ask us not to call at certain times because she is going to be out doing something. What a relief. She is beginning to be herself again, thank GOddess.
I am going to GA! Have been selected SVUUS' delegate and have some "sugar daddies" together with my wonderful CUUPS Chapter, helping me fund it. WIll be a vacation with Queen Tess...I will love it!
And this is the first of two entries. I have to go mow the lawn and organize thoughts....more later, OK?