So here I am, just like everyone else I know, wanting the real skinny. What DO you think...let me know... I promise not to retaliate. Just curious. It would help right now...I remember the lines from Alice In Wonderland, when the Mad Hatter says, "How am I? Not very 'how' at all. In fact, have not been very 'how' for some time now."
That feels about right. Mom is getting sorted out, slowly, but it's not linear. She forgets why she's there and asks us when we will take her home. This alternating with being busy, chatting and making friends there, and saying how she loves it. It is surreal, and I am somehow feeling a grave disconnect from my own life as a result of it. I am just floating. I don't know how to do that.
My B-T-D just put C. on a plane to yet another treatment center. She relapsed at this one. I would give anything to be able to fix this. It is Hel watching him and K. go through it.
Our newest granddaughter was born today. Shelby Carolanne Boose, 6'13", 10.6 inches. A beautiful baby. I held her nonstop for over an hour at the hospital today. It helped.
Brie finally had a long-overdue talk with Michael. I am so relieved to find that none of the nasty things we thought were happening actually were. But the business is in trouble. At least we know how to proceed now, so we feel better. But it is really scary because there is not enough money and now it looks as if, at least from JS, that won't change. But VJ may come through...J. called yesterday and it is heating up wildly over there. He was talking real money. Hope it pans out.
Went to the first IHN meeting last night and am now absolutely convinced I do not have a clue what I am doing. But I think I can learn. I really care about this ministry. Oddly, though, I am feeling more and more DISconnected from Pride Interfaith. Dwayne and Russ are not speaking to me...not in a mad way, I am just out of the loop. Oh, well, maybe I do not need another big thing to be in charge of. CUUPS National is going to eat up a lot more time and energy than I expected. Maybe it is just as well to pull out of the GLBT Community even further. As Tyreseus says, it is still a toxic waste dump. There are better ways to expend my energy.
And if you want to make yourself entirely crazy and waste at least a week glassily staring at your screen without hope of redemption (kinda like the DSN episode where everyone got drugged by a game...) go to this site:'ll love it, you'll hate it, but you won't be able to ignore it. We finished it yesterday...nyah, nyah, nyah.....
Too much. Too mucking futch. And another putative Shit Sandwich heating up in the community crock pot....emphasis heavy on the "crock" part. I am just incapable of dealing with any more BS. Going to go play Neopets and forget I have a life. See you some other millennium, maybe...