Trying To Live My Own Life Today

Jan 06, 2006 14:49

Five Odd Things About Me meme: tagged by lucedellaluna

Ground rules: The first player of this "game" starts with the topic "5 weird habits of yours" and people who get tagged need to write an LJ entry about their 5 quirky habits as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose the next 5 people to be tagged and list their names.

My Entries:

1. I often read the end of a book before getting it out of the library, or buying it, to be sure it will not disappoint me, and then will buy it and read it with full enjoyment. Doesn't spoil it for me that I know how it ends. I like happy endings.

2. I NEVER put the stew over the potatoes, or the SOS over the rice, or the chicken fricassee over the toast get it. If the meal is supposed to be something sauced over something else, I always prefer to eat them separately. That even goes for spaghetti. Butter on the pasta, and dip the bread in the sauce.

3. I name inanimate harps particularly but lots of other things too. Like my car, and my kitchen appliances, and the plants in my garden, and lots of other oddities. And talk to them, and get answers.

4. Everywhere I go, I gather rocks. Not to use, not for anything in particular, but because they talk to me. And want to come home with me. Sticks too. They tell me they're mine, so I take them home. I have had vastly interesting conversations with some rocks. More so than with some people.

5. I talk to myself out loud while driving the car, and have whole conversations, both sides, about things that I am thinking of. Sometimes I am both parties in the conversation, sometimes my responses are putatively someone else....but I talk and listen and learn no matter who it is supposed to be....surprise myself sometimes. And the people next to me at the stop light, hearing me argue with no one...







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