Oy, Veh! And then some....

Nov 17, 2005 11:34

Here is my Daily Note From the Universe...

One more thought on the “hows”:
Just because you're not to mess with them, doesn't mean you don't get busy doing all you can, with what you've got, from where you are.

The difference is in how you see what you do: you don't do all you can with an eye to hitting a home run, but with an understanding that for each door you knock upon and every stone you turn over, you're pitching the ball to me.

The more balls you pitch, the greater my options, and the further it will sail.

Batter up,
The Universe

It's like, if you want me to do ALL I can (move mountains and that sort of thing), you must do ALL you can (cast your bread, sort of thing).

Did I already GET this one...? because "doing all I can" has been kind of an understatement lately....I am doing all I and several other people can, and I am STILL not caught up. Or even on top of where I have to go to GET caught up.....lemme 'splain....

My last entry happened as I was literally on my way out the door to go speak at the International Gay Men's Health Summit in SLC...(yeah, I know, it's been a MONTH!?!?!? Geddovahit!) So, I did that. Fun, actually...a very small group, so much so that the six or seven panelists ended up sitting around a huge conference table with the eight to thirteen attendees {people kept coming in and out...} But it made what we were doing very personal and informal and people had a LOT of questions, especially about the monkey suit...robe, cord, stole, cingulum, chain and crown.....I think I actually spent more time explaining what I was wearing than why I was wearing it.

That was on the 22nd of October. On the 27th thereof, I spoke on the Witchcraft Panel hosted by PSSA at the U of U. Again, a small crowd. I remember at the one in 1997 when there were 300 people in the auditorium. But it was also fun and rewarding...and who was supposed to be there, was. And there was the All Soul's Night party, and the CUUPS service the next Sunday, and the coven Dumb Supper, and the trick-or-treaters...yeah, by November 1, I was Samhained out.....

But just as well. Because bright and early on 1 November I crashed into NaNoWriMo... My first time and I am psyched. A lot of LJ friends are doing it too so I am in good company...now to the writing! Oh, wait, what, ya mean I gotta WRITE the thing??? Ok, fine, then. On to the keyboard...so far, I am on Chapter 6 and counting...18,000+ words so far..yeah, I'm a little behind (wish I HAD a little behind!!!) So, what else is new?;-{

And on into November....I was elected, at the November Board meeting of the National CUUPS Organization, as President of CUUPS Continental. I am also the webmistress, and we are completely revamping the site. I am excited about all this because I have a deep and compelling vision for CUUPS. I hope I am going to be successful in achieving it. That makes me both the Corporate Secretary for the Pagan Pride Project and the National President of CUUPS. Maybe I can get the two organizations interested in working with one another. Or maybe I can just get a two-year migraine....either way...I'm committed. Or, mayhap, ought to be.

More, later, sooner. If you understood that, fear and tremble. You're starting to think like a Virgo LJ user. If you didn't understand it...why are you reading this?

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