Soul Song

Apr 16, 2008 22:03

Today I was listening to a song. I don't even know what it's called or who wrote it, because it's on a CD that a teacher burned for me a few years ago. I've always loved it, but suddenly today as I was listening to it, I felt something more. I realized that it was like someone had looked into my soul, at the very heart of my being, and then written a song describing what they saw there. In the music I could hear my deepest longings, my strongest dreams. I heard myself, and it was both joyous and heartbreaking, desparing and hopeful, longing and trapped, both in the present place and time and yearning for something more.  I felt like Taran as he looked into the Mirror of Llunet and saw himself as he truly was. As much as I love other songs, and feel that they capture some part of me, in this song, I saw my whole self, in my barest form. And it was beautiful to heartbreak.

soul, song, music

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