Au Natural?

Oct 26, 2008 22:10

Right now my dad and brother are watching the Hooters beauty pageant. I'm not necessarily opposed to pageants the way some women are, but I have honestly never seen so many fake boobs in my life as in the last few minutes. Which got me to thinking. Most guys say that they like "natural" women. Not too much make-up, down-to-earth clothes, etc. In practice I find this is usually untrue. Whenever a male friend or family member of mine comments that a woman is beautiful, and I say, "But she has a ton of make-up on," or "Her boobs are totally fake," or the like, they always say that they don't think so, or that they don't care. So, either men can't really tell at first glance just how "natural" a woman is, or they really do not care, whatever they may say. But, we'll see who's laughing when they see the object of their affection without all that war paint on, or when they feel how stiff their bleached blonde, flat-ironed is.

Which makes me wonder, how natural am I? I mean, I wear make-up, I occasionally style my hair. But I also feel comfortable going out in no make-up, or in sweats and a wife-beater, and I usually just let my hair air-dry and walk out the door. So, am I more "natural" than women who never leave the house without make-up or who spend an hour styling their hair every day? And does that even matter, since guys don't seem to care anyway? Some days I love playing with make-up and hair and clothes, and others I hate it. I am envious that men get to just roll out of bed and go. They don't have the pressure of that expectation to look good, at least, not to the same extent.

I was recently hired to work as a hostess at a big restaurant. When I tell people this, some say, "Well, that'll be easy. You just have to stand there and look cute." Huh. Did I get the job because they think I'll look good at the front desk? I mean, I don't have any hosting experience or anything, but I do look good in a pencil skirt. It is flattering, yet infuriating that employment might be easier to find if one is attractive. It's strange that in some situations I am treated with more respect when I make an effort to look good, while in others I feel like people assume that I must be stupid. In high school everyone knew that I was smart by reputation; in college I feel like people assume that I'm dumb until I prove them otherwise. Yet, I'm sure I judge people based on their appearance all the time.

I wonder if there's anyone who doesn't struggle with some sort of issue regarding their physical appearance. It seems like I think about it too often, that if something about my appearance were to change for the worse, I would be devastated. It is too important to me, and I feel the pressure. Yet other days I feel so confident and comfortable with myself. Body image is a strange thing.


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