
Oct 03, 2008 01:38

Intense Joy:

My dad's realtor buddy got back to him today - he can negotiate a low enough down payment on a duplex in the city so that my parents can afford to buy one. My friends and I will occupy one apartment, my brother and whoever he can get will occupy the other. OMFG. I will get to rent from my parents. How fucking awesome is that? We can paint the walls bright colors. We know there won't be anything wrong with the place that they won't fix. In my dad we have our own electrician/plumber/fix-anything repair dude. I will have my brother (however annoying he may be, that's better than a fucking annoying stranger) as my neighbor, thus I can leave a spare key with him in case I'm locked out, or borrow stuff or whatever. I get a cheaper, nicer, easier living space, and my parents get to add an investment that will build their equity, and, if we decide to move out, they can charge for it and make money in case the stock market fuckheads mess up their retirement plan. Everyone benefits and is happy. YAY for home-buying slump that has resulted in low prices!!

Intense Worry and Anger:

Palin. McCain. OMFG.

The more I hear her speak, the more I want to kill myself should she become president.


REGISTER to vote.

Then fucking VOTE in every election. None of this, "My vote doesn't make a difference," or "It's just fixed anyway." Your vote does matter. Every single vote makes a difference.

Furthermore, people the world over have fought and died, have risked everything, for the right to have some say in the government that rules over them, to have the right to vote.

Yet you throw that incedible power away because you're too lazy or for some idiotic reason think that it's lame to care and to vote.

WAKE THE FUCK UP. Read the news. Watch debates and interviews with the candidates. Base your vote on knowledge, rather than a flippant decision, such as "Oh, she's kinda hot, maybe I'll vote for her."

And then VOTE.... unless you're voting for McCain. If that's the case, then yaaay for team apathy!


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