On March 23rd, 2006, my niece Ava Carmella Anastas was born into Heaven, and into God's arms. She was a beautiful baby girl, who was loved so deeply, by so many, from the moment we knew of her existance. Her life, as short as it was, has made an incredible impact on my family and on those who love us. She exisited. Her life mattered, and she lives on in our hearts. Please help us keep Ava's memory alive.
October is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month. Please take the time to light a candle at 7 pm today in remembrance of my niece, Ava, and all babies who were born into Heaven. Let it burn for one hour in memory of all babies who were lost far too soon. As each time zone extinguishes their candles and the next one lights theirs, we'll create a continuous wave of light around the world to remember our littlest angels.
Annette made this video to share the story of her daughter, Ava.
Visit Ava's Virtual Memorial