Wow - that ep really really really drove home for me exactly why Lex does what he does. And assuming Smallville allows Lex to have brain cells and put together that Clark & Superman are the same person - at least on some subconsious level - Lex has seen what Clark's capable of. He's seen Clark get out of control a few times now, right? But this was definitely the scariest.
Also? Tom Welling was completely brilliant in this episode. I mean he went completely fucking crazy. And he made it seem so real. The make up was awesome too. The red around his eyes & stuff. His performance was really amazing. I'd love to ramble on about it but I don't have any really good words. So just know taht I loved it.
The scene where Lex was making that speech about Clark Kent being an alien, being the first of an invasion. Lex saying "I'll be the one to kill you." That sent chills down my spine. MR so nailed that. Beautiful scene. Stuff like that makes me love this show. And De Knight
There was a split second there where I was really, very excited that Jonathan was not going to run for office. Stupid Clark. I'm going to hate this plot line sooooooo much.