Wedding day.

Apr 11, 2012 13:14

So...  it came and went.

I am grateful to Paul because a few weeks ago (when I had gotten yet another email from, reminding me that my wedding was in 24 days) I mentioned that I really wanted to be kept busy, no matter what it was, on that day.  Thankfully, it also happened to be Easter and I love Paul's family so it wasn't hard to just enjoy the company.  The day before, we spent a few hours at a conference for one of the major insurance companies that his company works for.  Anyone need an excuses to go to Vegas?  It's a little more expensive than I'd like, but hey...

Anyway, I spent a while trying to figure out why I was feeling so disappointed.  Not sad, not wishing that it was my wedding day - just disappointed.  Disappointed that I failed again.  I really don't blame myself for my marriage falling apart, nor my relationship with Adam, but I do blame myself for being blind enough to believe that either of them could really have ever been what I needed.  I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that I grew up always re-examining things with the idea, "What could I have done differently?"  I don't beat myself up over it, but I definitely think about it.

Paul's mom likes to make a lot of jokes about marriage and kids.  It is funny but there's a small voice in the back of my head that says, "Should I really try it again?"  I definitely enjoy my relationship with Paul and we make a pretty good team.  I guess we will see what happens.
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