Jan 10, 2007 16:04
Apparently broth and positive thinking is not enough to shift the lurgy alone, so I have sourced penicillin to aid my recovery.
I nearly didn't go to the doctors appointment I made this morning, as I knew at best I would get anti-biotics and at worst be told to go home and go back to bed.
It would seem from the look on the doctors face when he examined my throat that I have quite a nasty case of tonsilitis. He recommended a double dose of the pills to "get them going quickly". I don't like taking anti-biotics generally and avoid it at most costs, but this is definatley necessary. I will not be able to work for the rest of this week and will probably have to take it easy over the weekend too. Arse.
Sheesh I hate all this flopping about and lack of energy. If I'm not at work I want to be going out sorting things out or staying in and getting things done, not watching daytime television and getting achy and sweaty on the sofa.
Thanks chaps for the well wishing. The mind is still strong even if the body is weak.
I might just try a bit of hoovering to see if I can hack it...