A Letter meme: Comment and I'll give you a letter, then you have to list ten things you love that begin with that letter, afterwards post it on your journal and fill out letters of your own.
hakfung gave me F
1. Food :D - who does NOT love food?!
2. Fanfiction - yes, many hours wasted away to this.
3. Fanart - i shall leave it at that
4. Fans - awfully convienient weapon... tool.
5. Fables - i always like modern interpretations of Classics
6. Felines! - kitty!
7. Flowers - yes i like flowers.
8. Fishing [virtual that is] - there is always something vastly addictive about fishing mini-games in other games.
9. Farouk - he's just an awesome guy.
my Friends<3
damn that sounds cornyy.