i love youuuuu!
oh yeah and i think i left my camera at your house...yeaaaaaaah
yesterday was anita's partyyy. it was so much
It all started with a sleepover. i came home from work at 4:30 and then i took a shower and packed stuff. i packed nothing. lol, just a pillow, pjs, and my elephant. then i made me way over to anitas at like 5:15. when i got there, i was thinking maybe i made a mistake about the day because it was so quiet. i'm always like that. i always think "hm. maybe i've made a mistake. maybe it's supposed to be tomorrow and not today. when i get there, maybe someone will tell me i've come on the wrong day..." i'm weird like that. but it was the right day because i saw joanne's face in the window. soooo...i went in and i ate chips. i forgot what we did until betty came...ummmmmmmmmm. nothing? I REMEMBER! i wrote anita's letter. =] well then, betty came and we played monopoly!!! again. we always play monopoly. it was the canadian version at least. i can't count the money or do change because the money is too big. hahahaha. i lost again. because i bought no property. i died and then we ate! we had pizza and chicken strips. yum. oh and betty baked muffins. they were good. banana... and um...then we did...stuff. until lily came! while lily ate, we did some stuff...WE OPENED PRESENTS! yeaai! and then we played mah jong! card version! i want a deck of those...we played late into the night. i won NOTHING!!!! after mah jong, we played clue. lol clue was fun. everyone was deducing like crazy and i was just sitting there. lol. wee~ i died on the first round, but i won the second round!! yaay! then we got ready to sleep. i didn't bring a sleeping bag, so i wanted to go home and get it. i live five minutes away. BUT THEY WOULDN'T LET MEEEEEE. just because it was 9 o'clock. jeeeeeeeeeeez. i should blog about that time me and vivian and kevin went for a walk at 11 pm. or the time me and vivian went for a walk at 1 am. or the time VIVIAN went for a walk at 4 am. BY HER LONESOME. aiyoh. so i just slept on anita's opened sleeping bag with a blanket and my pillow and my elephant. after lights out, we talked a lot. well, joanne and lily talked a lot. poor anita, her butt was too big so her body made a hole. lol NOT! eventually, we agreed to sleep. i slept well. even though it was late when we slept. next morning, i awoke to joanne clicking away on a mouse. *click click click* ARGH joanne. after we waked woke up, we ate cake that anita's mom baked, then dickson and edmond arrived. then denise arrived. we started a game of scrabble and then rebecca and kathy arrived. ahhhhh it was so good to see rebecca again!!! we laughed soo much and talked soooo much. rebecca says shut up now!! =O lol it's so great. eileen didn't come because she was sick. and linda had volunteering. it was so fun. we laughed and talked. kathy shared stories about her ranger-ings. then we started a game of monopoly. again. ahaha. i bought cn tower and i made a deal with betty. when it was down to two of us, betty won because she didn't have to pay anything to me. annnnd so then we ate lunch. it was goooood. too bad i was half-full from the chips. ahhh i think i'm getting fat. all i did this summer was eat and sleep. and go around to places. ahhhh. thennnn after lunch we opened the rest of the presents and we played charades! charades was so fun. lily had to leave early. one of the charade options was "lily" and edmond had it, but he couldn't do it, so i did it. hehehe~ there were things like..."pretending to be a tree" "holiday" "stimulation" lily did that one. lol poor anita. charades was so much fun...after charades, we played the clapping games. one was the 7 and multiples of 7 one and the other was the 3,6,9 one. fun fun! i won the 3,6,9 one. ahahaha~ after that game, rebecca left us. then we played pig. lol we played it so that when someone has pig 1, everyone w/o a pig can't talk to them. i fell for it by talking to denise so then i got a pig 1. it was so funny when everyone was at pig 2 and anita was at pig 1.
anita: "anita, maybe i should move over" and
betty: "is your computer open? the screen is black"
me: "try moving the mouse"
anita: "maybe betty should try to move the mouse"
lol joanne was laughing so hard.
thennn i left with denisee. ahhhh it was great fun. that's what summer is supposed to be like -fun, friends, food, and laughter all around.
on another note: I WANT TO DO TCG AGAIN!!!!!!