{ 048 } ohai I am still alive yes kthx

Sep 14, 2012 01:10

Hi guys, just a heads up to let y'all on my flist know that I'm still alive, breathing and busy. Ever since I got a job at Innodata, it's been hell; facing Japanese texts day after day after day. It's exhausting and brain-draining, not to mention that my brain is starting to think in Japanese now well since when hasn't it been

I have also been busy working my ass off for the purpose of actually having money to pay for my recently-acquired 2mbps internet connection and for the shitload of Arashi magazines I've ordered last month. So, yes, so much to catch up on in terms of payments. ;_;

In other news, my Kuruma Isu de Boku wa Sora o Tobu SP subbing project with some other LJ users has been put on hold due to this hectic life of mine, but rest assured that it will be finished soon... When I finally finish typesetting... Q_Q I am so sorry to those who are waiting for it (and some teams have already released it ahead of us!), but for those who are truly willing to stay with us until we complete it, thank you so much.

I may not be the best friend on LJ that everyone wants (or someone who posts a lot rly), but rest assured that I will be slowly fulfilling all my dues to the fandom. Soon enough.

I'm on Facebook anyway, if you need to contact me immediately; I'm on there 24/7. Just let me know who you are before I add you back. :) And if you need to e-mail me, I can be contacted at kisekimieru[at]gmail[dot]com.

And oh, I am also aishizuki@DW too. Nobody can steal my username indeed ffff XD See you around lovelies ♥

#procrastination, #so busy at work omg, !lifestyle check, #orz failll, #my life

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