It's been soooooooo long since I've seen Eito!
First off, goods.
I was impressed with myself. I only bought the bag, pamphlet, towel.... and fell victim to the piggy bank.
But only because it lights up in eito colors and has a message from each of them!!!
Maru-chan「ちゃりーん!パーン!どんがらがっしゃーん! どーもお金を入れてくれてありがとう Your favorite song, let's go! はっは~」(cha-ching! pa-n! cha-cha-cha-ching! Thank you for putting money in. Your favorite song, let's go! haha)
Ryo-chan「Time is money 時は金なり お金と時間は大事にしよう よい人生を」(Time is money. Time is money. Let's treat time and money with care. I hope you have a good life)
Tacchon「いつもほんとにありがとう eighterのみんなにたくさんの 幸せが訪れるよう願っています」(Thank you for everything. I'm wishing for lots of happiness for all eighters)
Hina 「足らんわ~! そんなんやったら全然足らんわ~ もっと入れてくれてな こんなもん 頼むで もっと入れてや 」(Not enough! If that's all you're putting it, it's not enough at all! Make sure you put more in, ok? I'm begging you. Put more in.)
Subaru 「毎度ありがとうございます 今日も明日もeighterにたくさんいいことがありますように」(Thank you. Here's to hoping today and tomorrow will bring eighters lots of good things.)
Yasu「ちゃり〜ん! 君が入れたのはmoney~♪ No money, No Life~♪ 以上、安田章大でした I love you♪」(cha-ching! The thing you put in was money! No money, no life! That's all. This was Yasuda Shota. I love you)
Yoko-cho 「これで君も億万長者やね 銭ゲバになったらあかんよ」
And now the concert!!
It felt like over half of the set list this tour was band... maybe it was just my imagination... but It was a lot of fun!!!
I hit for the upper 1st row stands, so it was an ok seat... but it's not my favorite place to sit because it's under the lights that don't get turned off. H-san and I sat here for a different tour... i think 8uppers? So I already knew what to expect when I got there.
1.ブリュレ - I am sooooo happy they started with the band... and even happier that they started with this song!!! It really gets you going!
5.Dear summer 様
8.TAKOYAKI in my heart - so fun! Maru-chan's gags were hilarious. He even was American for a second. hahaha.
9.sorry sorry love - they came down on an eito shaped stage from the top of the main stage. At first they made me get excited over a mic stand dance... but they ended up coming down and doing different furi without the stands... it was still cute though.
10. Dye D?
11.Water Drop
13.青春ノスタルジー Yoko-cho has a trumpet solo!!!!! He started on the center stage alone and was soooooooooo nervous!!! It was super cute. He messed up a few times, but he did a really good job. They did the furi in a round with mic stands. It was really cute cuz Yoko-cho was dancing with the trumpet the whole time since he had to play it throughout the song
14.クラゲ - Shota sang a special version for Yoko-cho.... who seemed to be crying because he was so overcome with emotion from his trumpet solo. It was really cute and made him that more emotional that Yasu was singing to him.
I guess the most important news is that they're going to be doing an Eight Ranger 2 movie! Also, they're releasing a new single in December, January and February! *waves goodbye to her money*
Also, Baru set it up for Ryo-chan's Birthday. A cake was rolled out and we sang to him. No gifts.
16.ビースト!! - OH. MY. GOODNESS. GRACIOUS. GREAT. BALLS. OF. FIRE. Ryo-chan x Maru-chan x Hina... the nerdy glasses and suits.... so sexy... and then... they get to the center stage and start stripping... and then their fundoshi are flapping in the wind as theyr're rushed on small carts to the backstage.... and their ballon characters strip too!!! OMG. OMG. OMG. Amazing. Drool fest! Must buy papa pix!!!
17.狩(仮) - They had these interview VTRs of "African" people in New York, Paris and Kenya.
26.All is well
During the greeting, Maru-chan was so excited for the tour that he had to share how happy he was with us. He said that if he was a dog, he would be doing the happy pee because he was THAT excited about it. He then continued to say that while he is playing the base, he'd be doing happy peeing from his eyes. hahaha. so gross. Hina was funny, too. He did his, "baka ni naro ze!" thing and then did a really formal and pretty bow. i love awkward moments like that.
Yoko-cho's hair... lol. sorry, but i don't know if I like the whole brownish-short-haired-tacchon-like do he has. It makes him look Korean. Maru-chan's bangs are really long. Ryo-chan needs a hair cut. For some reason, Tacchon looked a lot like Kame tonight.
to be continued...