[report] Kanjani∞ at Music Lovers

Oct 19, 2011 07:46

Yesterday I was lucky enough to be an audience member at Kanjani∞'s filming of Music Lovers which is going to be airing on October 30th!!!

I ended up getting to the venue a little more than 1/2 an hour early and out of the station, there was an ad for TORE! in the stairwell leading up to the surface.

I am so glad there was a Lawson's in the building, so I killed time by eating a tuna onigiri and drinking a tiny bottle of evian.

One of the Nittele staff members came out and told us to stand in number order so we could get our stuff checked. People with support cards got to stand in a separate line and they ended up being in the second row. I was surprised when I saw that they actually have a scanner for the support cards now. Last year they just looked at them. lol. They also gave all the young people front row tickets for the live to surround the guest in the audience. I had made friends with a girl who was standing right behind me, and she ended up getting ticket number one. :(. I was given number 51 access pass and then JFC ticket number 148. I was kinda sad cuz my hit number was 39 and now I was more than a hundred people behind where I imagined I would be. But it ended up being a really good place!!!

So after waiting for almost an hour in a stairwell, we were lead to a room to leave our bags in the. FINALLY to the studio and the piece of paper sign on the door said that the scheduled time was 8:45-10:15.

We filed in and I ended up being towards the right but in the center of the audience. I was pretty happy because the performance stage was on one side and the talk stage was behind us so I had an evenly good view of both. It was especially good that we all had to wear sneakers because Japanese girls are SO SHORT!!!! muwahaha.

I can't say details of the show but I will hint a little.

They recorded the performance part first and did four songs that we have already seen. The first song was Zukkoke and second song was Musekinin Hero. They both have furi, so it was fun. Then the third song was their new Monjai Beat and then they took a break to set up for the band performance. The fouth and final song was a band song, Life.

There were streamers that came out during the first song and then confetti, which got stuck EVERYWHERE, during the second song. They were wearing their Fight jerseys for all four songs and looked so cute!!! On Music Station, I hadn't noticed that Ryo-chan's hat had [KANJANI ∞] embroidered on the underside of the brim of his EIGHT cap and that his jersey's black lines were made of sequence. And Baru's jersey was a hand posing as Number 1. Was it like that on Music Station!? sorry, I don't pay attention to his details but I swear it was 1/2 on Music Station. I LOVE the hot pink of Yasu's FIGHT. maru-chan had a heart on his sleeve. I think I need to watch Music Station again and check what's different.

During the talk segment they ended up talking about the jerseys and how they designed them themselves and we got a really good look at Hina's back details. I seriously was surprised that half the girls didn't know they did. Seriously, did you not read the album details!?

Between songs they spoke to us and teased the guest. He is someone VERY faMous In Kansai and close to the guYs ANd wE can see him on TV everyday.

After they sang the first three songs, they went offstage to cool off while the staff cleared the stage and put out their instruments. The pink guitar was to my right and his mic stand was RIGHT in front of me.

After the last song was over, the boys went in the back to cool off again while we turned around to face the talk stage and adjusted to get out of the way of the camera.
We watched their reactions to our votes we casted in the survey they gave us.

There were 5 questions we had to answer.

1. Which member would you rely on to help you when you're in a bind?

2. Which member would you not got to for advice?

3. Which member would come in late and be upset?

4. Which member is the best actor?

5. Which member has the worst fashion sense?

With all the comments we made, Yoko ended up yelling at us saying it doesn't seem like we really like EITO that much. lol. The guest, who was VERY sweaty the whole talk because he was really into the live, defended us. ♡

It was really fun and finished at around 10:30.

At the very end, they thanked us individually (in Red, Nasu, Black, Green, Yellow, Orange Blue and Guest order) before they went backstage and after
they securely left, we were allowed to leave. (They go the same way we do so we had to wait for them to leave)

I am so excited to see what made it on to the show!!!


☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆

I hit for countdown again this year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


*insert crazy Kiyomi silent screaming in her office*


prefecture: tokyo, report: tv show taping, tv station: nittele, !reports, kanjani8

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