
Jun 07, 2006 07:34

I've given an apology to someone I realized that I needed to apologize to, again. But wait! There's one more.

Thanks so much Steve for inviting me to tag along with you and your friends to CP today, but I'm sorry I can't make it. Sorry it took me so long to reply, too. I'm really crunched with school, especially if I want to graduate by the 16th. I'm so close. SO close. If I do graduate it'll be a *&^% accomplishment, seriously.

Anyway, Joe came over again yesterday.. Gave me a shirt to prance around in. Funness. I'm still really upset with him, especially because he could easily be doing stuff with other girls behind my back. I suppose maybe that is why he won't date me, so I've decided to not touch him period. He had the gull to give me a kiss yesterday, but it really didn't make me happy. In fact, it got me mad. It hurt, even. I know I shouldn't let suspision guide me, but somehow I can't. Knowing his past with his one ex get's me all jumpy and angry at the same time. As I said before, I won't take shit from anyone anymore. I know I deserve better then that, even if some people may disagree. Life has been had recently, but when has it not? I suppose I should just keep moving on.

I've been thinking about the past lately. There is so much that I'd like to change, but deep down I know it would be best to never change any of it. Without things that happened back then I wouldn't have evolved into the person that I am now. That thought scares me. Now is what is best. The past doesn't seem to matter anymore.

The only thing I know I want to avoid in my future is becoming that crazy old cat lady who rarely leaves her house but has like a million cats around. I want my life to be filled with so much adventure, so much romance and nights where I just travel around, watching the sun set in many different places. Driving until I don't feel like driving anymore, renting a hotel and relaxing for the night JUST to get up, check out, and start driving again the next day. I want to see everything, I want to know everyone, I want to have the greatest life that people will have always dreamed about. I'm really determined for that, too.
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