赤い糸 rocks :DD

May 17, 2009 21:21

 omg akai ito is freaking awesome. it's like, i'm watching it the 2nd time and i'm not crying lesser than when i watched it the first time. i feel so helpless now. i'm really going to break down for good. i just want this thing to blow over quickly. I've been like crying everyday cause of akai ito and also cause of the problems that make me feel so helpless cause i can't solve them. shit. i'm gonna develop triple eyelids alr, at the rate i'm going. NOOOOO~~~~ TRIPLE EYELIDS ARE UGLY!!!! argh.

why can't we just go back to the way we used to be?

omg akai ito rocks like crazy. and mizobata junpei is freaking HOT. *sssss*(sizzling sound)

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