It's just one of those things I really need to think about really hard because it is going to affect me in the long run.
Here's the deal.
I started working for this company early last 2010. It was what I was hoping for the year before that. My experience with that company during that time was really good. I get to interact with different people and help them with the recruitment process so their hopes of finding a job would be fulfilled. This work was definitely better than my first job the year before it. That previous job was of a routine work that it bored me to death. The people that I worked with in 2010 seems like a happy-go-lucky bunch. They like to eat out as if eating eating was their vice. They make jokes and are really nice.
Fast forward to present time - year 2012. I am in a position from which I was promoted to last two years ago. In a span of two years, a lot of things have changed. People come and go, there are challenges along the way, and definitely my attitude and how I handled myself were different from two years ago - way different.
I got used to the flexible schedule that my current company allowed me - to the point that I needed not to wake up at exactly 6pm just to get to the office early. I admit I got complacent and my complaining attitude didn't change. I still have this certain temper on things like frustration and rude people. I made new friends and perhaps some enemies along the way. I laughed, cried, got angry, and I almost left the company.
I almost left the company.
As the year ends, I have many things to be thankful for. I am thankful that I grow more confident of myself each year, that I met new friends that I really like, that I learned more and more about myself, and that my family is safe and in good health.
There are also things that I hope to have in the coming year. I hope to find reconciliation between me and the patriach. I hope the same thing with my sister and the patriach. I hope that my mother would be really happy and healthy. I hope to find the one for me. Lastly, I hope to find that job that would really work for me.
I almost left the company. I hope to find that job that would really work for me.
I got side-tracked so here it is.
I have been longing to move to a new company where I would feel well-taken cared off and that the compensation would really be worth the responsibilities that I would be handling. More importantly, I have been hoping to find a company that would expose me to the different facets of HR. My search began in the late 2010 up to now.
Around two weeks ago, I was contacted by this RPO company asking me if I am currently looking for career opportunities. I told them of my interest about the opportunity that they are offering and I learned that it was the job was related to people finding the right people for the current open positions. The job is similar to what I have been doing for the past three years. I hesitated but I decided to give it a go in hopes that maybe I would be able to get more exposure to other HR facets. I underwent two phone interviews and a video interview a week after. Right there and then, I was informed that I made the cut. I was really happy that I did because for the longest time I thought that I would not be able to get myself to another company if I would venture out. It was such a wonderful feeling that I made it.
I was made aware that the position would still be similar to what I have been doing for the past three years. I would still be interviewing people to see if they are right for the job they are applying for. I was also made aware that the job would be assigned in different shifts. There is the morning shift - your regular, normal working hours of 8 am - 5 pm or 9 am - 6 pm, there is the mid shift, the early night shift - 7 pm - 4 am, and the late night shift of 9 pm - 6 am. During the interview, I was informed that the shift would be from 7 pm - 4 am. At that time I did not realize that the shift would be in conflict with my other schedule - Graduate studies. The schedule usually starts from 6pm-9pm on weekdays and 3 hours on Saturdays either 8 am - 11 am, 12nn - 3 pm, and 3 pm - 6pm. At that time, I also did not realize that the shift would not allow me to see my youngest sister on weekdays. She would be waking up at the end of my shift, and she would be heading back home when I go for work. I am also aware of the risks involved in doing night shift work and it is something that my mother is concerned about. I was probably not thinking of those things and that I was more focused on getting out of my current company and getting a higher pay. For my entire stay with my current company, I have not had any merit increase nor a promotion increase. I felt that I deserve more knowing that I am doing the same thing as what my colleagues are doing and that I am in the process of earning my master's degree.
I applied to several companies for the past two years to positions that are related and not related to my current work. After many attempts, I realized that getting to a different facet would mean starting from scratch. I actually don't mind doing it but my concern was with the pay and considering my credentials, an entry level salary might not be appropriate. If my goal before was to find a job that would expose me to different HR facet, my new goal now is to move out of the company. With that I decided to apply to job vacancies that are similar to my work, that way I would be getting a better compensation. In doing so, it actually worked. I received a few invites from companies who are looking for recruiters.
I have to be honest with myself. I am no longer happy with my current work. I felt like I was not taken cared off - like I was a shark born into the sea and left alone to my own devices. It's like a sink or swim thing. The company had training progams that involve interacting with a computer program. It was convenient, and cheap but there was no real interaction with people. I felt demotivated and I felt that I am not up to par with the company's standards. I was informed that I was slow but I am still performing. I felt that I was not learning anything with my current job. Team to which I belonged to is not as close as I hope it would. I have other complaints about my current work which would be a waste to be included here, but like what my colleague said "If you are demotivated, you will see everything that is not good about your work and your surroundings." She's right. I see a lot of not so nice things - from people's attitude to the management.
I have to decide on these things:
First, sign the contract, leave my current company and start the first quarter of 2013 as a corporate vampire preying on humans who wished to find a decent living. (Ok it's a joke. I have been watching Breaking Dawn part 1 quite a lot on Star movies :P)
- Better package - pay is almost two times my current salary. Better benefits compared to what I'm getting (HMO has better coverage, additional bonus part from the performance bonus, medical reimbursement)
- Training and seminars - I was told during the job offer that I would have training every 6 months including certification training and seminars
- New experience - Instead of talking with local humans, (yep, I have not yet gotten over Breaking Dawn part 1), I will converse with humans from a different land. This means exposure to a different culture and language ( well the language would not be entirely different because it will still be English that I will be using. However, the words of the language varies from one place to another.)
- Health risk - a lot of people who works at night shifts or in rotating shifts have a higher health risks compared to those who normally works in daytime. This is a primary concern of my mother, and is something I need to consider and prepare for
- New environment and people - a new company means new people to work with, new environment to adjust to, new everything - even the process of how things are done would be different. This could also be placed under the pros list since change bring about new experiences and learnings.
- Not seeing my family - I would still be able to see my mother in the mornings when I get home from work, but she would either be still asleep or about to leave for work. However, I may or may not see her before I leave for work in the evening. There is a little chance that i would get to see my youngest sister in the morning before she leaves for school and there is a zero percent chance of me seeing her when I leave for work. (Travel time would be maximum of two hours if the traffic is heavy - not complaining about the distance and time because its the same travel time from my home to the university and the same travel time when I had my first job).
Side note: In relation to being a vampire under the cut
Vampires are better off at night. Should they be in daylight, they would either subject themselves to a terrible burning from the sun (classic vampire weakness, and the vampires from True blood too), Shine like diamonds and be obliterated by the Voulturi (Stephanie Meyer's vampires), or be too tired to walk about and bear the blinding sunlight (I'm trying to incorporte how the vampires from Matsuri's Vampire Knight go about in daytime).
Second, retract the offer and stay with my current company and have everything be as what it is now.
- I would still be human - a normal human working in the sunshine, partying and sleeping under the moonlight (exaggerated, I know)
- Come and go to work as I please - I am on a flexible schedule so attending graduate classes on a weekdays would not be a problem (Graduate studies from the university to which I study does not give students the luxury of choosing when to take their courses. They have to adjust to the availability of the professors in the term period). I can come to work as early as 7 am or as late as 1 pm if I want to (side effect: I began to loose punctuality).
- No changes nor adjustments needed - Same environment, same workload, same colleagues, same work problems, same everything - err not quite since there are going to be changes in the coming year. Oh, and I get to see my family. Sweet!
- Same environment - which would probably make me even more demotivated. Work-wise, pay-wise (not the same - it was announced that my current company would be bringing back the merit increase system. I am not hoping that I would have the alignment that I needed since promotion day - which was not even informed to be formally like it just happened. Poof!)
- Limited opportunities for improvement - Again, there is this motivation factor that I can't seem to get. I want to learn something new which I feel that I not getting with my current work. I wanted to transfer to a different department but my current job level prevents me from doing so. (My initial goal was to be exposed to different HR facets). The available opening from the other department is of an entry level and I am no longer and entry-level employee. I mentioned earlier that I don't mind starting over but moving to a lower level position is not allowed. That I understand,(it spells demotion in a way) but I do not want other employees from a lower level feel bad about me doing the same time of work as them and yet I am a level higher. If I would apply internally to a position in a different department, knowing that I don't have the experience needed for the post, what is the chance of me being chosen as compared to those employees who are of a level lower but is ripe for the position and to external candidates who have the required skills and experience for the position? It would seem that my chances are slim, don't you think?
- The colleagues - I like my colleagues - well most of them. I learned that a few of my colleagues would be leaving the company next year and it is always heartbreaking to see someone leave. In my first year at my current company, two people left. In the second year, about six people left - including the manager who hired me. In 2012, three people left and next year there would be more. Keeping people happy is one thing, but attrition is another thing. Attrition is costly.
I really have to think hard, pray over it, and weigh things before signing my name on that contract. Filing my resignation is another thing that I have to worry about to - the start date even.
I could always ask my elders -(but I learned that there is no point of asking a business/sales person about this things based on my experience. I would end up having more offers for them make a sale)
Any words of advise would be very much appreciated.
Now, back to regular progamming. Gotta what that Breaking Dawn movie with little sister.