Jun 11, 2007 16:59
I'm a control freak, spaztic at times. To reduce that spaz factor bit nails, to save nails, now biteing lips.
After events friday, I am surprised I have any lips left. He fucked up bigtime.
I don't know if I can forgive him, I know she never will. He may continue being my friend pending good behavior, no I'm not ranting about cape cod boy.
(Speaking of CC boy, he's still putting himself on a pedistle. Looking down on my friends is not a way to impress me. Ill admit, when I first moved here, I acted the same way. I was put in check by some amazing people, and as it seems this boy needs the same treatment.)
The friend who doesn't make me choose between them, is the true friend. The one that puts himself in the pity me category, and doesn't see what he's done as wrong. Or at the level of wrong that it was, is not a friend.
Nobody tells me who to hate boyo, why do you think I'm still talking to you. Choose your battles.
I get far more defensive and vindictive when a friend is messed with than when I personally am attacked. You covered both bases, and your an old friend.
Quite a complicated situation
That in retrospect is crap compared to everything else going on. Ah well, denial aint just a river in my homeland.