tbh, i've seen much weirder xD but maybe that's cuz i'm used to it
here's hoping we'll watch more later
Anywho, I feel it necessary to vent about things so LETS GO
It's been a constant thread in my life... But sometimes it gets so stupidly frustrating.
90% of the time when I go out, I will be mistaken for a guy. I am not fucking kidding. |:I
Just because I have short hair, don't wear make up and don't like wearing specifically designated "girl's clothing". It doesn't help that I look and sound like a feminine guy... But it's just incredibly frustrating sometimes. The boobs are right there, THE BOOBS ARE RIGHT FUCKING THERE. Just because I'm not HANGING THEM OUT FOR YOU TO SEE doesn't mean they're not bloody there.
When I went in for a job interview, one of the employees asked a coworker "So should he go in right now, or should he wait?" Just yesterday when we went out to eat, I got up to the counter and the guy asked me "And what would you like, sir?"
There are so many occasions in my past, I can't recount them all. It's happened to me so often, that I've just stopped trying to correct people on it... I probably shouldn't stop, but it just gets so frustrating...
On a different note... I've been having some issues in not feeling appreciated lately. idk if it's because i've been posting a lot of art and whatever on various sites with little feedback... but a big contributing factor is just my irl interactions. I don't relate to anyone in school at all. They all act like bloody teenagers... Gossiping, talking about their high school experiences and their proms...
There was a group I would hang out with after acting class because they were nice enough and I had decent conversation with them, but... This time, things just... didn't work out. I couldn't relate to their conversation, I kept getting cut off (one of my BIGGEST FUCKING PET PEEVES), and just.... urf...
Ifinally left after the three of them were all huddled around a girl's laptop looking at each other's facebook photos... And the girl said to another girl: "Man... you're the only friend I know who can draw even remotely well."
I was sitting right there. I'd been hanging out with them for weeks. I couldn't stop myself form saying "Excuse me?"
She was like "OH, NO, I DIDN'T MEAN IT LIKE THAT, SORRY." I know she didn't intend to offend, but if anything, it shows how much of an effect I have on the group, if she forgot I was sitting right bloody there.
Sigh... I'm tired of people. I'm tired of immature people who I can't relate to. I'm tired of trying to make friends and giving my all, but being taken for granted/taken advantage of. It gets so damn lonely... Ugh...
There was some redeeming factor though. In art class, we were supposed to work on our sketchbooks because we'd finished the previous project. (We have to draw 200+ drawings of still life props in a sketch book, focusing on construction) I vanished into the back room where all the cool props were. None of the nerds missed me, they were too busy yacking their faces off about whatever popular thing crossed their brains.
I emerged about 2 hours later for a break, and I set my sketch book down to go doodle on the chalk board. The teacher saw my sketch book, and picked up asking the class whose it was. I said it was mine and he said "This stuff is perfect, it's exactly what I'm looking for in these sketchbooks. Absolutely gorgeous, keep it up!"
That... Really helped. ; v; Getting that level of appreciation from a teacher is just... dfbjhbjsdfgsdfg... So gratifying. ;;; v;;;