Put another nickel in, in the nickelodeon. All I want is loving you and music, music, music

Apr 02, 2006 14:52

economists economize. it might be refreshing to sleep with an artist for a change.

i am now on worker's comp and they are giving me 1800mg of ibuprofen a day and soma, a muscle relaxer that i was hoping would feel like valium. i was sorely disappointed. it feels more like a hangover and i have yet learned to not take it with a glass of chardonnay. i think it has been giving me intense dreams too. the other night i dreamt that i was much younger and at a camp in the hills. the air was fresh and everything was sparkling clean and sunshiney and this boy and i were all tangled up in white clean soft sheets like a Downy commercial. then there was blood everywhere all over us and the sheets and we had to find which one of us it came from and where.

i was home alone this past week and on three separate impulsive trips on one day i bought a handpicked box of Sees chocolates for myself, a six pack of beer, and a cosmopolitan. do any people not in a waiting room read cosmopolitan? it's pretty disgusting. I was learning the 50 tricks of sex goddesses but i gave up after the first few. eric's "saving it " Christian sister reads cosmo.
i make such a good cherry pie. someday eric will cry that he gave that up to live in country where the government doesn't allow him to use all of the internet.

someday you can try my cherry pie. maybe in the summer when it's cherry season.

my mom and i have made a habit of watching family guy every night and eating jello that i made. the other night my mom said "do you know the best way to eat jello?.....on morphine." i personally like it with lots of whipped cream.
i've been thinking about how being in constant physical pain changes your thought patterns and your feelings. like what happens when feeling "good" is unfathomable and the best you can feel is "less bad." but that's a story for another day.
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