Hello, everyone! I'm Aiselne, better known as Aiselne Phoenix Nocturnus. This is my first time on LJ, so I've got quite a bit to learn, but I'm hoping to become better aquainted with this site as time progresses. I haven't yet decided what exactly I'll use this account for, although I've considered publishing short fanfics here -- some stories from FanFiction.Net, and other random ficlets that may be entirely new. Who knows? Either way, I'm happy to have joined LJ!
For anyone interested, I also have accounts on the following sites:
FanFiction.Net: Aiselne Phoenix Nocturnus
www.fanfiction.net/u/1894822/Aiselne_Phoenix_NocturnusThis is where the majority of my fanfics are archived, written for Pokemon and Xenosaga.
FanFiction.Net: Red Dragon Community
www.fanfiction.net/community/Red_Dragon/77562/This is my community of quality Xenosaga fanfics staring Gaignun Kukai Jr. / Rubedo from Xenosaga.
DeviantArt: AiselnePN
http://aiselnepn.deviantart.com/This is where I publish my fanarts, many illustrations for my Pokemon & Xenosaga stories on FFnet.