Fanfiction Progress: October 2016

Oct 03, 2016 13:56

Just when I think I’ll be able to really get back into fanfiction my schedule gets all whacked-out again. @_@ It’s to be expected at this time of year with pre-winter prep (yes, we’re already getting ready. I can’t believe it, either. But considering how last winter was on the mild side in my neck of the woods, we can’t expect lightning to strike twice). Plus, everybody in the higher end of my job’s hierarchy suddenly got the urge to go on vacation during the past month, so I’ve been filling in (and earning some extra cash, which has already gone into early Christmas shopping). Needless to say fanfiction is back on the back burner.

I do plan on updating At Sixes and Sevens, ideally this month because the currently-drafted Chapter 7 is a somewhat spooky-themed tale appropriate for the Halloween season (^_^). Going forward from there, I’m not sure how the remainder of 2016’s updates will fare-I MIGHT hold off further updates until after New Year, solely because this is always my busy season. But that’s subject to change given my finicky schedule and finickier writing muse.

On the brighter side, I've been feeling better (health-wise), a nice improvement from the last time I visited LJ. I'm on a small regimen of simple supplements and a revised sleep schedule (what I need most!) and that seems to be doing the trick. Nothing major, thank God. :)

life, fanfiction, winter, holidays, fanfiction progress, halloween, jobs

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