Fanfiction Progress: June 2013

Jun 04, 2013 13:33

My writing muse has slowed down lately. I've been working on some fanart pieces for Xenosaga and Pokemon (which will hopefully be online-ready in the near future). Plus, I've become completely hooked on Grasshopper Manufacture's video games (Lollipop Chainsaw--awesome game. I'm now playing Shadows of the Damned, and it rocks! I've been in and out of No More Heroes, too. Great games, folks). Oh yeah, and then there's always work to chip at my free time. But despite all this, I do have a few one-shots on the horizon, most prominently for Kuroshitsuji.

My next Kuroshitsuji one-shot will be another Grell/Sebastian-esque comedy, albeit different (and a tad naughtier) than my fluffier Grell/Sebby ficlet, Have Kittens. This upcoming story was purely inspired by my love for Grell's hilarious attempts at seducing Sebastian. I couldn't resist writing at least one scenario where Grell's wooing backfires badly (I'm so mean). Written for laughs, pure and simple.

Lately, I've also grown a significant fondness for Grell's relationship with Ronald Knox--not "romantic" relationship, but them portrayed more as "big sister and little brother." I'm actually working on two fic ideas starring Grell and Ron, and one story might actually break the one-shot mold and be a two-chapter short story instead. Indeed, I miss writing multi-chaptered fanfics, but these short stories are the best I can do right now. It's better than nothing, and I am quite satisfied with my one-shot writing of late, too. All's good.

Tentatively, my upcoming Grell/Sebastian one-shot should be published sometime this month. Looking at my FFnet profile, I've noticed that I've published at least 1 one-shot each month since 2013 began (a record for me!), so I'm going to see if I can keep this record going for as long as possible. Wish me luck!

kuroshitsuji/black butler, video games, fanfiction progress, fanart

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