Baby It's Hot Outside

Jul 29, 2011 15:15

The summer heat in my hometown finally broke the other day. Still, it's been drainingly humid for most of this month. And I regret to say my muse suffered. My fanfiction writing was pretty minimal (and my Xenosaga WIP about Jr. & MOMO hasn't gone well whatsoever T_T). But I'm hoping that once the heat cools down, my muse will revive. *crosses fingers*

In other random, ranty news: the DVD business seems hell-bent on draining my wallet. "Supernatural: The Anime Series" came out this week on DVD (and my local Best Buy is charging $44.99 for it!! O_o Dude! That's a "best buy"?! I think I'll wait until the price drops more around the $20 [or under] range). Plus, I've been saving up my money since, like, May for next week's release of "Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, Part Five." *_* Eee! I can't wait to see the series' grand finale! (That, and I'm dying to see FMA's new movie, "Sacred Star of Milos" -- but I've gotta' wait until it actually gets released overseas from Japan). Oh, and isn't "Tegami Bachi, Vol.6" coming out soon, too? O_O Gaaah! Why must all the release dates be synchronized?! My anime/manga addiction will be the end of me. ^_^;;

Off to dig for gold somewhere... Stay cool, everyone!

movies, life, anime, manga, supernatural, tegami bachi/letter bee, fanfiction progress, weather, fullmetal alchemist, rant

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