Fanart Progress: March 2012

Mar 15, 2012 18:08


I haven’t submitted anything on DeviantArt since December, but I’m happy to now report my first DA publication of 2012! ^_^ Yesterday, my muse finally kicked itself into high gear so I could actually finish a drawing. Those who know me know that I’ve been dying to publish new Xenosaga fanart to celebrate the series’ 10th anniversary. Now I’ve finally got something to show for it.

My next priority is finishing my newest Pokemon fanart. It’s posing more of a challenge than my abovementioned Xenosaga art, namely because I’m trying a new drawing style with this Pokeshippy piece. It’s coming along very nicely, I think, so I’m getting excited! ^_^ Let’s hope my muse’s pacing continues.

As for my fanfiction muse, of course, my writing took a backseat so I could work on these fanarts. But I am working on some small projects, so don’t lose faith with me just yet.

In other news, the weather has been absolutely gorgeous in my hometown lately. Spring is in the air...and I hope it continues this way. Our garden’s flowers are blooming beautifully!

pokemon, fanfiction progress, xenosaga, deviantart, fanart

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