So life has just been moving along. Kinda crazy this past week with RL things and trying to get some art done when I can or feel motivated. Seriously need to hook up my scanner so that I can get some sketches or pages that I can post on my
Comic Progress/Sketchblog but I've been so lazy lately....This weekend I probably won't get much done. I'll be visiting my brothers at college then we're heading to an all-you-can-eat sushi bar. XD That's the plan this weekend. :D
I've been journaling daily but when it comes to typing up an entry I draw blanks. XD Well I didn't do much on Labor Day. Went shopping with family and went to the mall with friends this past weekend. Bought some $1ish manga at Waldenbooks. I didn't know they were going out of business since they were owned by Borders...T_T I managed to get there the last day but the selections were slim but got what interested me. It's sad...Glad I talked to a random lady who told me about it. I ended up going straight there after talking to her about it. lol
Been treating myself lately. :) Bought some art supplies and a fountain pen! I had some fountain pens from my mom but I broke one on accident (still useable but no longer holds ink...) and the other is a calligraphy pen. lol This one I bought for myself and will be nice to try for sketching. :D Got some watercolor paper so I need to get serious and use my pencils and paints. XD Also been getting on a brush pen kick so been experimenting with what I have. I probably should start reviewing the supplies online. What do you guys think? Would it be helpful? I would do it at my
Comic Progress/Sketchblog. Need to use the supplies otherwise they are collecting and sitting in my room. XD
Unfortunately still nothing from Ohayocon. Really hope that I get in. I'm already preparing for it. XD
What have you guys been up to? Any cool projects you guys are working on?